- loony left
(pejorative) Left-wing politicians or activists whose policies or ideas are considered to be ridiculous or too politically correct.
Tories Play Loony Left Card
Wikipedia foundation.
Tories Play Loony Left Card
Wikipedia foundation.
Loony left — is a pejorative term usually applied to people or organisations of the political far left, particularly by the right wing press and tabloid newspapers of the United Kingdom.The term became popular in Britain in the 1980s when it was used to refer … Wikipedia
loony left — noun (the members of) the extreme left wing of the (usu British) political spectrum, whose policies and beliefs are popularly regarded as lunatic • • • Main Entry: ↑loony … Useful english dictionary
loony left — /luni ˈlɛft/ (say loohnee left) noun Politics Colloquial (derogatory) extreme left wing politicians and their supporters. Compare lunar right. {loony (def. 3) + left1 (def. 9b) …
loony lefty — noun a member of the loony left This is the tabloid world of snoopers, bunglers, loony lefties and little Hitlers … Wiktionary
loony — /ˈluni / (say loohnee) Colloquial –adjective (loonier, looniest) 1. insane; crazy. 2. extremely or senselessly foolish. 3. extremist in opinion or belief: the loony left; the loony wing of climate change alarmism. –noun (plural loonies) 4. a… …
loony — (adj.) also loonie, looney, 1853, Amer.Eng., short for LUNATIC (Cf. lunatic), but also influenced by LOON (Cf. loon) (2) and perhaps LOON (Cf. loon) (1), the bird being noted for its wild cry and method of escaping from danger. As a noun by 1884 … Etymology dictionary
Hard left — is a name often given to an internal tendency within the British Labour Party. Similar terminology is used also in the context of the Australian Labor Party. In the 1980s in the United Kingdom, the term hard left referred to supporters of Tony… … Wikipedia
Official Monster Raving Loony Party — Leader Alan Howling Laud Hope Founded … Wikipedia
out in left field — mod. wrong; off base; loony. □ Don’t pay any attention to her. She’s out in left field as usual. □ That guy is out in left field a real nut … Dictionary of American slang and colloquial expressions
Democratic Labour Party (UK) — This party is not to be confused with any other Democratic Labour Party. Democratic Labour Party Leader Brian Powell[1] … Wikipedia