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Elasticity (economics) — Economics … Wikipedia
Linear elasticity — Continuum mechanics … Wikipedia
Bond duration — Financial markets Public market Exchange Securities Bond market Fixed income Corporate bond Government bond Municipal bond … Wikipedia
Greeks (finance) — The Greeks redirects here. For the ethnic group, see Greeks. In mathematical finance, the Greeks are the quantities representing the sensitivities of the price of derivatives such as options to a change in underlying parameters on which the value … Wikipedia
Mechanical filter — Figure 1. A mechanical filter made by the Kokusai Electric Company intended for selecting the narrow 2 kHz bandwidth signals in SSB radio receivers. It operates at 455 kHz, a common IF for these receivers, and is dimensioned 45×15×15 mm ( … Wikipedia
Viscoplasticity — Figure 1. Elements used in one dimensional models of viscoplastic materials. Viscoplasticity is a theory in continuum mechanics that describes the rate dependent inelastic behavior of solids. Rate dependence in this context means that the… … Wikipedia
Demand (economics) — Demand redirects here. For other uses, see Demand (disambiguation). In economics, demand is the desire to own anything, the ability to pay for it, and the willingness to pay[1] (see also supply and demand). The term demand signifies the ability… … Wikipedia
Thermoplastics — A thermoplastic is a plastic that melts to a liquid when heated and freezes to a brittle, very glassy state when cooled sufficiently. Most thermoplastics are high molecular weight polymers whose chains associate through weak Van der Waals forces… … Wikipedia
Demand curve — An example of a demand curve shifting In economics, the demand curve is the graph depicting the relationship between the price of a certain commodity, and the amount of it that consumers are willing and able to purchase at that given price. It is … Wikipedia
Polymer — Appearance of real linear polymer chains as recorded using an atomic force microscope on surface under liquid medium. Chain contour length for this polymer is 204 nm; thickness is 0.4 nm.[1] A polymer is a large molecule (macromolecule … Wikipedia