set straight
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set straight — index disabuse, emend, inform (notify), informed (having information), redeem (satisfy debts), reform, remedy … Law dictionary
set straight — set (someone/something) straight to tell someone the true facts about a situation that they had not understood correctly. If you think we won t be affected by what s happening in Asia, our chief economist would like to set you straight. Related… … New idioms dictionary
set straight — Synonyms and related words: admonish, amend, awaken, break the spell, bring to book, burst the bubble, call to account, chastise, chide, compensate, conduct to, correct, debunk, direct to, disabuse, disappoint, disenchant, disentangle, disillude … Moby Thesaurus
set straight — (Roget s IV) v. Syn. revise, inform, provide the facts; see correct 1 , improve 1 , 2 … English dictionary for students
set — [set] vt. set, setting [ME setten < OE settan (akin to Ger setzen & Goth satjan < Gmc * satjan), caus. formation “to cause to sit” < base of SIT] 1. to place in a sitting position; cause to sit; seat 2. a) to cause (a fowl) to sit on… … English World dictionary
straight — /streɪt / (say strayt) adjective 1. without a bend, crook, or curve; not curved; direct: a straight path. 2. flat; horizontal. 3. Cricket a. (of a bat) held perpendicular to the ground. b. (of a stroke) playing the ball down the wicket past the… …
straight — straightly, adv. straightness, n. /strayt/, adj. straighter, straightest, adv., n. adj. 1. without a bend, angle, or curve; not curved; direct: a straight path. 2. exactly vertical or horizontal; in a perfectly vertical or horizontal plane: a… … Universalium
straight — [[t]streɪt[/t]] adj. er, est, adv. n. 1) without a bend, angle, wave, or curve 2) exactly vertical or horizontal 3) (of a line) generated by a point moving at a constant velocity with respect to another point 4) evenly or uprightly formed or set … From formal English to slang
set — [c]/sɛt / (say set) verb (set, setting) –verb (t) 1. to put in a particular place or position: to set a vase on a table. 2. to put into some condition or relation: to set a house on fire. 3. to apply: to set fire to a house. 4. to cause to begin …
set up — Synonyms and related words: abet, aggrandize, aggravate, aid, amend, angel, animate, annoy, apotheose, apotheosize, arouse, arrange, array, assemble, assist, author, avail, back, bail out, bankroll, base, bear, bear a hand, beatify, befriend,… … Moby Thesaurus