- movable feast
a day of note, frequently Christian, the date of which moves from year to year according to a set of rules.
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Wikipedia foundation.
movable feast — Feast Feast (f[=e]st), n. [OE. feste festival, holiday, feast, OF. feste festival, F. f[^e]te, fr. L. festum, pl. festa, fr. festus joyful, festal; of uncertain origin. Cf. {Fair}, n., {Festal}, {F[^e]te}.] 1. A festival; a holiday; a solemn, or… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Movable feast — Movable Mov a*ble, a. [Cf. OF. movable. See {Move}.] 1. Capable of being moved, lifted, carried, drawn, turned, or conveyed, or in any way made to change place or posture; susceptible of motion; not fixed or stationary; as, a movable steam engine … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
movable feast — n BrE 1.) informal something that happens at different times, so that you are not sure exactly when it will happen 2.) a special religious day, such as Easter, the date of which changes … Dictionary of contemporary English
movable feast — noun count 1. ) a religious holiday that is on a different date in different years, for example, Easter 2. ) BRITISH INFORMAL something that can be arranged to happen at any time that suits people … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English
movable feast — noun a religious holiday that falls on different dates in different years • Syn: ↑moveable feast • Hypernyms: ↑feast day, ↑fete day • Hyponyms: ↑Easter, ↑Passover, ↑Pesach, ↑ … Useful english dictionary
movable feast — UK / US noun [countable] Word forms movable feast : singular movable feast plural movable feasts 1) British informal something that can be arranged to happen at any time that suits people 2) a religious holiday that is on a different date in… … English dictionary
Movable feast — Term given to feast days determined by the date of *Easter, which itself is movable, taking place on the first Sunday following each spring s first full moon. Such feast days are: Ash Wednesday, Lent, Ascension Thursday, Pentecost, Trinity Sunday … Dictionary of Medieval Terms and Phrases
movable feast — a religious feast that does not occur on the same date each year. [1275 1325; ME] * * * … Universalium
movable feast — /muvəbəl ˈfist/ (say moohvuhbuhl feest) noun 1. a feast day which may fall on different dates in different years, as Easter Sunday, determined by the date of the full moon after 20 March. 2. an occasion which can be moved readily to whatever date …
movable feast — noun (C) 1 BrE informal something that happens at different times, so that you are not sure exactly when it will happen 2 a special religious day, such as Easter, the date of which changes … Longman dictionary of contemporary English