pre-alpha version

pre-alpha version
A development status given to a program or application that is usually not feature complete, and is not usually released to the public. Developers are usually still deciding on what features the program should have at this status. This status comes before the alpha version, and is the first status given to a program.

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  • alpha version — noun A development status that usually means the first feature complete version of a program or application, that is most likely unstable, but is useful to show what the product will do to, usually, a selected group. Sometimes this stage is… …   Wiktionary

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  • Pre-Alphaversion — Im Prozess der Softwareentwicklung durchläuft die zu erstellende Software verschiedene Entwicklungsstadien, die auch als Meilensteine betrachtet werden. Die Stadien der Entwicklung sind: pre Alpha → Alpha → Beta → Release Candidate → Release Nach …   Deutsch Wikipedia

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  • Version d'un logiciel — Une version d un logiciel correspond à un état donné de l évolution d un produit logiciel utilisant le versionnage. Selon le Grand dictionnaire terminologique, le versionnage (équivalent francophone de l anglais versioning) est le mécanisme qui… …   Wikipédia en Français

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