
a) Covered with fuzz or a large number of tiny loose fibres like a carpet or many stuffed animals. Mentioned in the popular nursery rhyme Fuzzy wuzzy was a bear.

My recollection of that event is fuzzy.

b) Vague or imprecise.

I finally threw out a large stack of fuzzy photos.

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  • Fuzzy — Fuzzy, nach dem englischen Wort für unscharf, verschwommen, kann sich auf Folgendes beziehen: Fuzzy Klassifikator Fuzzy C Means Fuzzy Logik Fuzzy Bit Fuzzy Regler Fuzzy Retrieval Fuzzy Suche Fuzzy Lokalisierung = unscharfe Lokalisierung Weitere… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • fuzzy — ► ADJECTIVE (fuzzier, fuzziest) 1) having a frizzy texture or appearance. 2) indistinct or vague. 3) Computing & Logic referring to a form of set theory and logic in which predicates may have degrees of applicability, rather than simply being… …   English terms dictionary

  • fuzzy — [fuz′ē] adj. fuzzier, fuzziest [prob. < LowG fussig, fibrous, spongy, akin to Du voos, spongy < IE * pus < base * pu , to rot > FOUL] 1. of, like, or covered with fuzz 2. not clear, distinct, or precise; blurred [fuzzy thinking, a… …   English World dictionary

  • Fuzzy — Fuzz y, a. [See {Fuzz}, n.] 1. Not firmly woven; that ravels. [Written also {fozy}.] [Prov. Eng.] [1913 Webster] 2. Furnished with fuzz; having fuzz; like fuzz; as, the fuzzy skin of a peach. [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • fuzzy — (izg. fȁzi) prid. <indekl.> DEFINICIJA term. 1. koji je pun mrlja; zamrljan, zaprljan 2. koji nije razrađen; nejasan, konfuzan (o nekom tekstu, ideji i sl.) SINTAGMA fuzzy logika novija vrsta logike koja koristi termine, vrijednosti odnosno …   Hrvatski jezični portal

  • fuzzy — [adj1] fluffy down covered, downy, flossy, frizzy, furry, hairy, linty, napped, pilate, velutinous, woolly; concept 606 Ant. smooth fuzzy [adj2] out of focus bleary, blurred, dim, distorted, faint, foggy, hazy, ill defined, indefinite, indistinct …   New thesaurus

  • fuzzy — index unclear Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 …   Law dictionary

  • fuzzy — 1610s, soft, spongy, from FUZZ (Cf. fuzz) + Y (Cf. y) (2). Cf. Low Ger. fussig weak, loose, spongy, Du. voos spongy. From 1713 as covered with fuzz; 1778 as blurred; and 1937 as imprecise, with reference to thought, etc …   Etymology dictionary

  • fuzzy — [[t]fʌ̱zi[/t]] fuzzier, fuzziest 1) ADJ GRADED Fuzzy hair sticks up in a soft, curly mass. He had fuzzy black hair and bright black eyes. Syn: frizzy 2) ADJ GRADED If something is fuzzy, it has a covering that feels soft and like fur. ...fuzzy… …   English dictionary

  • fuzzy — fuzzily, adv. fuzziness, n. /fuz ee/, adj., fuzzier, fuzziest. 1. of the nature of or resembling fuzz: a soft, fuzzy material. 2. covered with fuzz: a plant with broad, fuzzy leaves. 3. indistinct; blurred: A fuzzy photograph usually means you… …   Universalium

  • fuzzy — fuzz|y [ˈfʌzi] adj [Date: 1600 1700; Origin: Perhaps from Low German fussig loose ] 1.) if a sound or picture is fuzzy, it is unclear →↑blurred ▪ Some of the photos were so fuzzy it was hard to tell who was who. 2.) unclear or confused ≠ ↑clear ▪ …   Dictionary of contemporary English

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