- sulfamic acid
Wikipedia foundation.
Wikipedia foundation.
Sulfamic acid — Chembox new Name = Sulfamic acid ImageFile = Sulfamic.png ImageName = Sulfamic acid IUPACName = Sulfamic acid Section1 = Chembox Identifiers CASNo = 5329 14 6 SMILES = H2 N SO3 H Section2 = Chembox Properties Formula = H3NSO3 MolarMass = 97.10… … Wikipedia
sulfamic acid — |səl|famik noun Etymology: International Scientific Vocabulary sulf + amide + ic 1. : a strong crystalline acid H2NSO3H made usually by reaction of sulfuric acid, sulfur trioxide, and urea and used chiefly as a weed killer, in cleaning metals,… … Useful english dictionary
sulfamic acid — sulfamo rūgštis statusas T sritis chemija formulė H₂NSO₃H atitikmenys: angl. sulfamic acid rus. сульфаминовая кислота … Chemijos terminų aiškinamasis žodynas
sulfamic acid — sul·fam·ic acid or chiefly Brit sul·pham·ic acid səl .fam ik n a strong crystalline acid H3NSO3 made usu. by reaction of sulfuric acid, sulfur trioxide, and urea … Medical dictionary
sulfamic — adjective Of or pertaining to sulfamic acid or its derivatives … Wiktionary
cyclohexylsulfamic acid — /suy kleuh hek seuhl sul fam ik, sik leuh /, Chem. See cyclamic acid. [CYCLO + HEXYL + sulfamic acid (appar. (chloro)sulf(onic) + AM(MONIA) + IC)] * * * … Universalium
sulphamic acid — [sʌl famɪk] (US sulfamic acid) noun Chemistry a crystalline acid used in cleaning agents. Origin C19: from sulphur + amide + ic … English new terms dictionary
sulphamic acid — /sʌlˌfæmɪk ˈæsəd/ (say sul.famik asuhd) noun a white crystalline solid, HSO3NH2, which gives weakly acid water solutions; used as a metal and ceramic cleaner and as a stabilising agent for chlorine and hypochlorite in swimming pools, etc. Also,… …
cyclohexylsulfamic acid — /suy kleuh hek seuhl sul fam ik, sik leuh /, Chem. See cyclamic acid. [CYCLO + HEXYL + sulfamic acid (appar. (chloro)sulf(onic) + AM(MONIA) + IC)] … Useful english dictionary
sulfamidic acid — noun sulfamic acid … Wiktionary