
A deep-fried ball of dough, usually unsweetened, cut open and filled with various fillings.

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  • Vetkoek — (pronounced FET cook) is a traditional Afrikaner pastry. It is dough deep fried in cooking oil and either filled with cooked mince or spread with syrup or honey or jam. It is thought to have its origins in Oliebollen, which go back to the time of …   Wikipedia

  • vetkoek — /fetˈkŭk/ (S Afr) noun A deep fried cake, usu unsweetened, but otherwise similar to a doughnut ORIGIN: Afrik, from Du vet fat, and koek cake …   Useful english dictionary

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  • Fried dough foods — Many cultures have dishes made by deep frying dough of one form or another. Asia *China Chinese cuisine has several fried treats, such as the matuan , typically covered in sesame seeds. **Chinese restaurants in the U.S. sometimes serve small… …   Wikipedia

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  • Doughnut — For other uses, see Doughnut (disambiguation). A glazed doughnut …   Wikipedia

  • Cuisine of South Africa — has had a variety of sources and stages:*Cookery practised by indigenous people of South Africa such as the Khoisan and Xhosa and Sotho speaking people *Settler cookery introduced during the colonial period by people of Indian and Afrikaner and… …   Wikipedia

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