- gnathic
- adjective /ˈɡnæθɪk,ˈnæθɪk/Of or pertaining to the jaw.
‘Want to get an idea of your gnathic index, and that mustache is in the way.’
See Also: gnathal, gnathion, gnathite, gnathitis, gnatho, gnathonic, gnathonical, gnathonically, gnathonism, gnathonize, gnath-, gnathobase, gnathocephalon, gnathocephalic, gnathochilarium, gnathodynamometer, gnathosoma, gnathosome, gnathosomal, gnathostome, gnathostomatous, Gnathostomulida, gnathostomulid, gnathotheca, gnathophorous, gnathopod, gnathopodite, gnathostegite
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