venturi tube

venturi tube
A tube with a constriction, utilizing venturi effect e.g. to measure the velocity or volume of a fluid flow.

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  • Venturi tube — Venturi tūta statusas T sritis automatika atitikmenys: angl. Venturi tube vok. Venturi Düse, f; Venturi Rohr, n rus. трубка Вентури, f pranc. tube de Venturi, m ryšiai: sinonimas – Venturi tūta …   Automatikos terminų žodynas

  • venturi (tube) — or venturi [ven toor′ē] n. 〚after G. B. Venturi (1746 1822), It physicist〛 a short tube with a constricted, throatlike passage that increases the velocity and lowers the pressure of a fluid conveyed through it: used to measure the flow of a fluid …   Universalium

  • venturi (tube) — or venturi [ven toor′ē] n. [after G. B. Venturi (1746 1822), It physicist] a short tube with a constricted, throatlike passage that increases the velocity and lowers the pressure of a fluid conveyed through it: used to measure the flow of a fluid …   English World dictionary

  • venturi (tube) — or venturi [ven toor′ē] n. [after G. B. Venturi (1746 1822), It physicist] a short tube with a constricted, throatlike passage that increases the velocity and lowers the pressure of a fluid conveyed through it: used to measure the flow of a fluid …   English World dictionary

  • venturi tube — /ven toor ee/ a device for measuring the flow of a fluid, consisting of a tube with a short, narrow center section and widened, tapered ends, so that a fluid flowing through the center section at a higher velocity than through an end section… …   Universalium

  • Venturi tube — noun a short tube inserted into a pipeline and used to measure the quantity of a liquid that is flowing in the pipeline • Hypernyms: ↑measuring instrument, ↑measuring system, ↑measuring device * * * noun see venturi * * * /ven toor ee/ a device… …   Useful english dictionary

  • venturi tube — A tube that gradually narrows to a throat and then expands even more gradually to the exit. It is used to prove Bernoulli’s theorem. In a venturi tube, the mass flow is constant and at any point the product of the pressure (P), a cross sectional… …   Aviation dictionary

  • Venturi tube — Venturio vamzdis statusas T sritis Standartizacija ir metrologija apibrėžtis Įtaisas, susidedantis iš konfuzoriaus, žiočių ir difuzoriaus. atitikmenys: angl. Venturi tube vok. Venturi Rohr, n rus. трубка Вентури, f pranc. tube de Venturi, m …   Penkiakalbis aiškinamasis metrologijos terminų žodynas

  • venturi tube — ven•tu′ri tube [[t]vɛnˈtʊər i[/t]] n. 1) hyd phs a device for measuring fluid flow, consisting of a tube constricted in such a way that a pressure differential is created between the center and the ends 2) an alteration in the shape of the throat …   From formal English to slang

  • venturi tube — A short tube with a constricted passage that increases the velocity and lowers the pressure of a fluid conveyed through it. The venturi, or choke tube, in a carburetor is used to suck the fuel from the float chamber through a discharge nozzle… …   Dictionary of automotive terms

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