- moral code
A written, formal, and consistent set of moral rules, accepted by a person or by a group of people.
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Moral Code X — is a Russian rock band founded in 1989 by famous Moscow producer and poet Pavel Zhagun and saxophonist Sergey Mazayev to play reactive big beat. The debut album by Moral Code X was called Sotryasenie Mozga (Russian for brain concussion ), and was … Wikipedia
moral code — moral outlook, moral viewpoint, ethics, morals … English contemporary dictionary
Moral Code of the Builder of Communism — Communist Party of the Soviet Union History Organisation … Wikipedia
moral code — Synonyms and related words: Ten Commandments, Zeitgeist, axiology, behavioral norm, business ethics, code, code of ethics, code of morals, decalogue, ethic, ethical system, ethics, ethos, legal ethics, medical ethics, moral climate, moral… … Moby Thesaurus
moral code — Моральный кодекс … Вестминстерский словарь теологических терминов
Moral Aspect of Divine Law — Moral Aspect of Divine Law † Catholic Encyclopedia ► Moral Aspect of Divine Law Divine Law is that which is enacted by God and made known to man through revelation. We distinguish between the Old Law, contained in the Pentateuch, and… … Catholic encyclopedia
Moral universe — has two distinct meanings which are found throughout the literature. One relates to the moral nature of the universe as a whole and thus to human life, and the other refers to the many moral universes of people, groups, things and concepts.… … Wikipedia
Moral Orel — The opening title for the show, showing Orel waving at God/the viewer. Format Clay animation Black comedy Dramedy (season 3) Created by … Wikipedia
Moral universalism — (also called moral objectivism or universal morality) is the meta ethical position that some system of ethics, or a universal ethic, applies universally, that is, for all similarly situated individuals ,[1] regardless of culture, race, sex,… … Wikipedia
Moral example — is trust in the moral core of another, a role model. It was cited by Confucius, Muhammad, Mohandas Gandhi and other important philosophers and theologians as the prime duty of a ruler including the head of a family or the owner of a business.… … Wikipedia