foul out

foul out
1. noun
a) An instance of fouling out.

A foul out was recorded on the scorecard.

b) An instance of fouling out.

His foul out sat poorly with the crowd.

2. verb
a) To become out by hitting a foul ball which is caught.

He fouled out to lead off the third.

b) To be disqualified from further play for having committed too many fouls.

The center has fouled out with only two points.

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  • foul out — verb baseball: hit a ball such that it is caught from an out in foul territory (Freq. 1) • Hypernyms: ↑foul • Verb Frames: Somebody s something * * * noun 1. : foul …   Useful english dictionary

  • foul out — v. (esp. basketball) (D; intr.) to foul out on (he fouled out on five personals) * * * [ faʊl aʊt] (esp. basketball) (D; intr.) to foul out on (he foul outed out on five personals) …   Combinatory dictionary

  • foul out — {v.} 1. To make an out in baseball by hitting a foul fly ball that is caught. * /He fouled out to the catcher./ 2. To be forced to leave a basketball game because of getting more than the limit number of personal fouls. * /A professional… …   Dictionary of American idioms

  • foul out — {v.} 1. To make an out in baseball by hitting a foul fly ball that is caught. * /He fouled out to the catcher./ 2. To be forced to leave a basketball game because of getting more than the limit number of personal fouls. * /A professional… …   Dictionary of American idioms

  • foul\ out — v 1. To make an out in baseball by hitting a foul fly ball that is caught. He fouled out to the catcher. 2. To be forced to leave a basketball game because of getting more than the limit number of personal fouls. A professional basketball player… …   Словарь американских идиом

  • foul out — intransitive verb Date: 1948 to be put out of a basketball game for exceeding the number of fouls permitted …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • foul — [foul] adj. [ME < OE ful, akin to Ger faul, rotten, lazy < IE base * pū , * pu , to stink (< ? exclamation of disgust) > L putere, to rot, Gr pyon, PUS] 1. so offensive to the senses as to cause disgust; stinking; loathsome [a foul… …   English World dictionary

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  • foul — foul1 [ faul ] adjective * ▸ 1 dirty ▸ 2 not allowed by rules ▸ 3 angry ▸ 4 about weather ▸ 5 unpleasant/evil ▸ + PHRASES 1. ) very dirty, or smelling or tasting unpleasant: What s that foul smell? The air within the cell was foul. foul… …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

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