
1. adjective /əˈɡeɪp/
a) Being in a state of astonishment, wonder, expectation, or eager attention; as with mouth hanging open.

With his mouth agape and his hands clenched, Rufus Dawes, incapable of further speech, made a last effort to nod assent, but his head fell upon his breast; the next moment, the flickering light, the gloomy prison, the eager face of the doctor, and the astonished face of Vickers, vanished from before his straining eyes.

If the slightly agape mouth is closed prior to mouth opening, this is termed the preparatory phase and is more common in suction-feeding bony fishes than elasmobranchs.

2. adverb /əˈɡeɪp/

The bathroom door stood agape, and the peeling vinyl floor was bare.

He glanced up into Richards eyes, his own wide with wonder, his mouth hanging agape.

3. noun /əˈɡeɪp/
a) the love of God for mankind, or the benevolent love of Christians for others.
b) spiritual, altruistic, beneficial love which wills good for other.

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  • agape — agape …   Dictionnaire des rimes

  • AGAPÈ — Le mot grec agapè signifie affection, amour, tendresse, dévouement. Son équivalent latin est caritas , que nous traduisons par «charité» (dans les textes stoïciens comme dans les textes chrétiens). Généralement, la langue profane emploie agapè… …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • Agape — • Under certain circumstances the agape and the Eucharist appear to form parts of a single liturgical function Catholic Encyclopedia. Kevin Knight. 2006. Agape     Agape      …   Catholic encyclopedia

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  • agape — / agape/, alla greca /a gape/ s.f. [dal lat. tardo agăpe, gr. agápē amore ]. 1. (relig.) [convito fraterno presso gli antichi cristiani]. 2. (estens., non com.) [riunione intima fra amici] ▶◀ banchetto, (lett.) convito, (lett.) convivio, (lett.)… …   Enciclopedia Italiana

  • Agape — A*gape , adv. & a. [Pref. a + gape.] Gaping, as with wonder, expectation, or eager attention. [1913 Webster] Dazzles the crowd and sets them all agape. Milton. [1913 Webster] || …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

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  • Agapé — Agapē (ἀγάπη) est le mot grec pour l amour « divin » et « inconditionnel » L Agapé, souvent comparée à la charité chrétienne est, pour Platon, la troisième forme que prend l amour après l amour physique Éros et l amour de l… …   Wikipédia en Français

  • agape — àgape ž <G mn ȁgāpā> DEFINICIJA 1. pov. zajednička večera prvih kršćana kao uspomena na posljednju večeru Krista s apostolima, na njoj se slavila euharistija 2. (agapa) nesebična i nečulna ljubav (prema Bogu, bližnjemu, prijatelju) 3. pren …   Hrvatski jezični portal

  • ágape — sustantivo masculino 1. Uso/registro: elevado. Comida para celebrar un acontecimiento: Hoy despedimos a nuestra directora con un ágape en un céntrico restaurante. 2. Convite o comida de fraternidad entre los primeros cristianos, conmemorando la… …   Diccionario Salamanca de la Lengua Española

  • ágape — (Del lat. agăpe, y este del gr. ἀγάπη, afecto, amor). 1. m. Comida fraternal de carácter religioso entre los primeros cristianos, destinada a estrechar los lazos que los unían. 2. banquete (ǁ comida para celebrar algún acontecimiento) …   Diccionario de la lengua española

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