- Interior Plains
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Wikipedia foundation.
Interior Plains — [ɪn tɪərɪə pleɪnz], Ịnnere Ebenen, die Flachländer und Plateaus im Inneren Nordamerikas, zwischen den Rocky Mountains (im Westen), dem Kanadischen Schild (im Nordosten), den Appalachen (im Osten) und der Golfküstenebene (im Süden). Als… … Universal-Lexikon
Interior Plains — The Interior Plains is a vast physiographic region that spreads across the Laurentian craton of North America. This area was originally formed when cratons collided and welded together 1.9 ndash;1.8 billion years ago in the Trans Hudson orogeny… … Wikipedia
Interior Plains — Auf der Karte von Nordamerika sind die Interior Plains rot markiert. Die Interior Plains sind eine große physiogeographische Region des Urkontinents Laurentia im heutigen Nordamerika. Sie entstanden als Kratone vor 1,8 bis 1,9 Millionen Jahren in … Deutsch Wikipedia
Interior Plains — Canada’s great plains … Eponyms, nicknames, and geographical games
Plains Indian — a member of any of the American Indian tribes, as those of the Algonquian, Athabascan, Caddoan, Kiowa, Siouan, or Uto Aztecan linguistic families, that formerly inhabited the Great Plains. All were more or less nomadic, following the buffalo, and … Universalium
Interior Lowlands — ▪ region, North America the broad, generally flat areas of the central part of the North American continent. The name is used in regional geologic and physiographic descriptions of North America and the conterminous United States. From the… … Universalium
Great Plains — For other uses, see Great Plains (disambiguation). Coordinates: 37°N 97°W / 37°N 97°W / 37; 97 … Wikipedia
Geography of the Interior United States — the games at the great lake are held in the winter so none can live they realy dont want otters or bubble gum to live either. so just go die Physiographic regions of the U.S. Interior See:legend For purposes of description, the physical geography … Wikipedia
Osage Plains — The Osage Plains extend through five U.S. states. The Osage Plains are a physiographic section of the larger Central Lowland province, which in turn is part of the larger Interior Plains physiographic division.[1] The area is sometimes called the … Wikipedia
Dissected Till Plains — Continental U.S physiographic regions. Region 12e identifies the Dissected Till Plains. The Dissected Till Plains are physiographic sections of the Central Lowlands province, which in turn is part of the Interior Plains physiographic division of… … Wikipedia