
1. adjective /lɑːst,læst/
a) Final, ultimate, coming after all others of its kind.

The last person I want to meet is Helen.

b) Most recent, latest, last so far.

More rain is the last thing we need right now.

2. adverb /lɑːst,læst/
a) most recently

When we last met, he was based in Toronto.

b) after everything else; finally

Ill go last.

Syn: finally, lastly
3. verb /lɑːst,læst/
a) To endure, continue over time.

Summer seems to last longer each year.

b) To hold out, continue undefeated or entire.

I dont know how much longer we can last without reinforcements.

Ant: disintegrate, dissipate, fall apart, wear out
See Also: everlasting, lasting
4. noun /lɑːst,læst/
a tool for shaping or preserving the shape of shoes

How is an in-your-face black leather thigh-high lace-up boot with a four-inch spike heel like a mans black calf lace-up oxford? They are both made on a last, the wood or plastic foot-shaped form that leather is stretched over and shaped to make a shoe.

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