- lapmark
A visible excess of paint marking an edge of a strip of paint application.
Wikipedia foundation.
Wikipedia foundation.
Horace William Wheelwright — (5 January 1815 – 16 November 1865) was an English hunter, naturalist and writer who spent many years of his life in Australia and Sweden. Wheelwright was born at Tansor, Northamptonshire. He was educated at Reading Grammar School and then… … Wikipedia
Sami Siida of North America — The Sami Siida of North America is a loosely organized group of regional communities, primarily in Canada and the United States, who share the Sami (Saami) culture and heritage from northern Norway, Sweden, Finland and the Kola Peninsula of… … Wikipedia
Sjögren — Sjögren, Andrei Michailowitsch, geb. 1794 in Finnland, studirte 1813–1819 auf der Universität in Åbo Geschichte u. Sprachen, wurde 1820 Hauslehrer in Petersburg u. 1823 Bibliothekar des Grafen Romanzow, machte 1824–27 eine Reise durch die… … Pierer's Universal-Lexikon
HUMA sive UMA — opp. Sueciae, ad ostia fluv. cogn. in Bothnia Occ. prope sinum Bothn. Hinc tractus adiacens Uma Lapmark, Estque pars Lapponiae Suecicae … Hofmann J. Lexicon universale