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Sesotho — Gesprochen in Republik Südafrika und Lesotho Sprecher 6 Millionen Linguistische Klassifikation Niger Kongo Sprachen Benue Kongo Sprachen Bantoide Sprachen Bantusprachen Sotho Tswana Sprac … Deutsch Wikipedia
sesotho — SESÓTHO s.n. Limbă aparţinătoare familiei sotho (1), vorbită în Lesotho (cu statut de limbă naţională) şi în Africa de Sud (cu statut de limbă cooficială). (cf. engl. sesotho < sotho sesotho) [AHDEL] Trimis de tavi, 13.09.2007. Sursa:… … Dicționar Român
SeSotho — Sotho du Sud Sotho du Sud sesotho Parlée au Lesotho, Afrique du Sud Nombre de locuteurs 5 millions Classification par famille langues nigéro congolaises langues atlantico congolaises langues voltaïco congolaises langues bénoué congola … Wikipédia en Français
Sesotho — Sotho du Sud Sotho du Sud sesotho Parlée au Lesotho, Afrique du Sud Nombre de locuteurs 5 millions Classification par famille langues nigéro congolaises langues atlantico congolaises langues voltaïco congolaises langues bénoué congola … Wikipédia en Français
Sesotho — Sotho seSotho Hablado en Lesoto y Sudáfrica … Wikipedia Español
Sesotho — noun Etymology: Sesotho Date: 1846 the Bantu language of the Basotho people … New Collegiate Dictionary
Sesotho — [sɛ su:tu:] noun the South Sotho language of the Basotho people. Origin the name in Sesotho … English new terms dictionary
Sesotho sa leboa — Sesotho sa leboa, Sepedi Sesotho sa leboa Hablado en Sudáfrica Hablantes 3,7 millones Familia Níger Congo Volta Congo Benue Congo Bantoide… … Wikipedia Español
Sesotho phonology — Notes: *All examples marked with ‡ are included in the audio samples. If a table caption is marked then all Sesotho examples in that table are included in the audio samples. *The orthography used in this and related articles is that of South… … Wikipedia
Sesotho nouns — Notes: *The orthography used in this and related articles is that of South Africa, not Lesotho. For a discussion of the differences between the two see the notes on Sesotho orthography. *Hovering the mouse cursor over most H:title| [ɪ talɪk] |… … Wikipedia