- nidicolous
Tending to stay at the nest or birthplace for a long time after birth, due to dependence on the parents for feeding and protection.See Also: nidifugous
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Nidicolous — animals are those that stay at their nest or birthplace for a long time after birth, due to their dependence on the parents for feeding, protection and learning survival skills. It is the opposite of nidifugous where the animal is able to leave… … Wikipedia
nidicolous — (adj.) of birds, bearing young which are helpless at birth, 1920, from Mod.L. Nidicolae (1894), from L. nidus (see NEST (Cf. nest) (n.)) + colere to inhabit (see COLONY (Cf. colony)). Contrasted to nidifugous birds (1902), whose young are well… … Etymology dictionary
nidicolous — [nī dik′ə ləs] adj. [< L nidus, NEST + COLOUS] 1. remaining in the nest for some time after hatching, as some birds 2. living in the nest of another species … English World dictionary
nidicolous — adjective Etymology: Latin nidus nest + English colous more at nest Date: circa 1902 1. reared for a time in a nest 2. living in a nest; especially sharing the nest of another kind of animal … New Collegiate Dictionary
nidicolous — /nuy dik euh leuhs/, adj. remaining in the nest for a period after hatching. Cf. nidifugous. [1900 05; < L nid (s. of nidus) NEST + I + COLOUS] * * * … Universalium
nidicolous — ni·dic·o·lous … English syllables
nidicolous — ni•dic•o•lous [[t]naɪˈdɪk ə ləs[/t]] adj. zool. remaining in the nest for a period after hatching • Etymology: 1900–05; < L nīd (s. of nīdus) nest+ i + colous … From formal English to slang
nidicolous — /nɪˈdɪkələs/ (say ni dikuhluhs) adjective denoting birds which are helpless when hatched and remain in the nest for some time. {Latin nid(us) nest + i 1 + colous} …
nidicolous — adjective (of birds) remaining in the nest for a time after hatching • Ant: ↑nidifugous … Useful english dictionary
Altricial — means requiring nourishment and refers to a pattern of growth and development in organisms which are incapable of moving around on their own soon after hatching or being born. The word is derived from the Latin root alere meaning to nurse, to… … Wikipedia