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Opsin — bezeichnet den Proteinanteil eines Sehpigments, das insgesamt aus dem Protein sowie einem Chromophor besteht. Im englischen Sprachraum wird oft das gesamte Sehpigment als Opsin bezeichnet. Opsine gehören zur Superfamilie der heptahelicalen… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Opsin — ⇒ Rhodopsin … Deutsch wörterbuch der biologie
opsin — [äp′sin] n. any of several colorless proteins, found in the rods and cones of the retina, that combine with various forms of retinal to produce light sensitive pigments such as rhodopsin … English World dictionary
Opsin — Three dimensional structure of bovine rhodopsin. The seven transmembrane domains are shown in varying colors. The chromophore is shown in red. Opsins are a group of light sensitive 35–55 kDa membrane bound G protein coupled receptors of the… … Wikipedia
opsin — opsinas statusas T sritis chemija apibrėžtis Baltymas, šviesai jautraus pigmento rodopsino sudedamoji dalis. atitikmenys: angl. opsin rus. опсин … Chemijos terminų aiškinamasis žodynas
opsin — noun Etymology: probably from rhodopsin Date: 1951 any of various colorless proteins that in combination with retinal or a related prosthetic group form a visual pigment (as rhodopsin) in a reaction reversible by light … New Collegiate Dictionary
opsin — General term for the apoproteins of the rhodopsin family … Dictionary of molecular biology
opsin — /op sin/, n. Biochem. any of several compounds that form the protein component of the light sensitive retina pigment, rhodopsin. [1950 55; prob. back formation from RHODOPSIN] * * * … Universalium
opsin — The protein portion of the rhodopsin molecule; at least three separate opsins are located in cone cells. * * * op·sin äp sən n any of various colorless proteins that in combination with retinal or a related prosthetic group form a visual pigment… … Medical dictionary
Opsin — Op|sin [griech. ópsis = Sehen, Sehkraft, Auge; ↑ in (3)], das; s, e: Gruppenbez. für die Proteine Stäbchen O. u. Zapfen O., die mit ↑ Retinal u. seinem 3,4 Didehydroderivat Schiff Basen bilden, die als Sehpigmente fungieren (Rhodopsin, Iodopsin,… … Universal-Lexikon