- gang rape
Wikipedia foundation.
Wikipedia foundation.
gang rape — gang rapes, gang raping, gang raped also gang rape VERB: usu passive If a woman is gang raped, several men force her to have sex with them. [be V ed] For five hours, the women were gang raped. [Also V n] N COUNT Gang rape is also a noun … English dictionary
gang rape — ► NOUN ▪ the rape of one person by a group of other people … English terms dictionary
gang rape — gang .rape n an occasion when several men attack a woman and force her to have sex with them … Dictionary of contemporary English
gang rape — gang ,rape noun count or uncount a situation in which a group of people forces someone to have sex with each member of the group … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English
gang-rape — gang ,rape verb transitive to force someone to have sex with each member of a group … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English
gang-rape — verb rape (someone) successively with several attackers The prisoner was gang raped • Hypernyms: ↑rape, ↑ravish, ↑violate, ↑assault, ↑dishonor, ↑dishonour, ↑outr … Useful english dictionary
gang rape — noun : rape of one person by several attackers in succession • gang rape transitive verb * * * an act or instance of gang raping someone. * * * gang rape noun A number of successive rapes committed by members of a group on one victim on one… … Useful english dictionary
gang-rape — UK / US verb [transitive] Word forms gang rape : present tense I/you/we/they gang rape he/she/it gang rapes present participle gang raping past tense gang raped past participle gang raped to force someone to have sex with each member of a group … English dictionary
gang rape — UK / US noun [countable/uncountable] Word forms gang rape : singular gang rape plural gang rapes a situation in which a group of people force someone to have sex with each member of the group … English dictionary
gang-rape — /ˈgæŋ reɪp/ (say gang rayp) verb (t) (gang raped, gang raping) to commit gang rape against …
gang rape — noun Date: 1966 rape of one person by several attackers in succession • gang rape transitive verb … New Collegiate Dictionary