- laugher
a) One who laughs.b) A variety of the domestic pigeon.
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Wikipedia foundation.
Laugher — Laugh er, n. 1. One who laughs. [1913 Webster] 2. A variety of the domestic pigeon. [1913 Webster] 3. A contest in which one side wins easily; a lopsided victory. [Informal] [PJC] 4. A blatantly false statement, especially a self serving one.… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
laugher — [laf′ər, läf′ər] n. 1. one that laughs ☆ 2. Informal a contest won by a wide margin; easy victory … English World dictionary
Laugher — A laugher is a slang term for one of several types of drugs, usually euphorics or stimulants, that have a tendency to make the user laugh easily and hysterically while under its influence. Examples of laughers include cannabis (in small amounts) … Wikipedia
laugher — laugh ► VERB 1) make the sounds and movements that express lively amusement and sometimes also derision. 2) (laugh at) make fun of; ridicule. 3) (laugh off) dismiss by (something) treating it light heartedly. 4) (be laughing) informal be in a… … English terms dictionary
laugher — noun Date: 15th century 1. one that laughs 2. something (as a game) that is easily won or handled … New Collegiate Dictionary
laugher — /laf euhr, lah feuhr/, n. 1. a person who laughs. 2. Informal. a contest or competition in which one person or team easily overwhelms another; easy victory. [1375 1425; late ME: see LAUGH, ER1] * * * … Universalium
laugher — n. one who laughs, one who giggles, one who snickers … English contemporary dictionary
laugher — laugh·er … English syllables
laugher — laugh•er [[t]ˈlæf ər, ˈlɑ fər[/t]] n. 1) cvb a person who laughs 2) cvb inf Informal. a contest or competition in which one person or team easily overwhelms another; easy victory • Etymology: 1375–1425 … From formal English to slang
laugher — noun 1. a person who is laughing or who laughs easily • Derivationally related forms: ↑laugh • Hypernyms: ↑person, ↑individual, ↑someone, ↑somebody, ↑mortal, ↑soul … Useful english dictionary