- castle in the air
A visionary project or scheme; a day-dream; an idle fancy; a pipe dream; any plan, desire, or idea that is unlikely to be ever realized; a near impossibility.
Wikipedia foundation.
Wikipedia foundation.
Castle in the air — Castle Cas tle, n. [AS. castel, fr. L. castellum, dim. of castrum a fortified place, castle.] 1. A fortified residence, especially that of a prince or nobleman; a fortress. [1913 Webster] The house of every one is to him castle and fortress, as… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
castle in the air — n. an imaginary scheme not likely to be realized; daydream: also castle in Spain … English World dictionary
Castle in the Air — Infobox Book | name = Castle in the sky title orig = translator = image caption = Cover from the American edition. author = Diana Wynne Jones illustrator = cover artist = country = United Kingdom language = English series = The Castle Series… … Wikipedia
castle in the air — noun absentminded dreaming while awake • Syn: ↑reverie, ↑revery, ↑daydream, ↑daydreaming, ↑oneirism, ↑air castle, ↑castle in Spain • Derivationally related forms: ↑ … Useful english dictionary
Castle in the Air (film) — Castle in the Air is a 1952 British comedy film directed by Henry Cass and starring David Tomlinson, Helen Cherry, Margaret Rutherford and Gordon Jackson. The English owner of a Scottish castle discovers that it is haunted by the spirit of a… … Wikipedia
castle in the air — See: BUILD CASTLES IN THE AIR … Dictionary of American idioms
castle in the air — See: BUILD CASTLES IN THE AIR … Dictionary of American idioms
castle\ in\ the\ air — See: build castles in the air … Словарь американских идиом
castle in the air — cas′tle in the air′ n. a fanciful or impractical notion or hope; daydream. Also called cas′tle in Spain′ • Etymology: 1570–80 … From formal English to slang
castle in the air — a fanciful or impractical notion or hope; daydream. Also called air castle, castle in Spain. [1570 80] * * * … Universalium