penny wise and pound foolish
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penny wise and pound foolish — Wise or careful in small things but not careful enough in important things. A proverb. * /Mr. Smith s fence is rotting and falling down because he wouldn t spend money to paint it. He is penny wise and pound foolish./ … Dictionary of American idioms
penny wise and pound foolish — Wise or careful in small things but not careful enough in important things. A proverb. * /Mr. Smith s fence is rotting and falling down because he wouldn t spend money to paint it. He is penny wise and pound foolish./ … Dictionary of American idioms
penny-wise and pound-foolish — wise or careful in small things to the costly neglect of important things He is penny wise and pound foolish and is always wasting his money on things that he doesn t need … Idioms and examples
penny wise and pound foolish — ► penny wise and pound foolish economical in small matters but extravagant in large ones. Main Entry: ↑penny … English terms dictionary
penny wise and pound foolish — 1607 E. TOPSELL Four footed Beasts 609 If by couetousnesse or negligence, one withdraw from them their ordinary foode, he shall be penny wise, and pound foolish. 1712 J. ADDISON Spectator 7 Feb. I think a Woman who will give up herself to a Man… … Proverbs new dictionary
penny\ wise\ and\ pound\ foolish — proverb Wise or careful in small things but not careful enough in important things. Mr. Smith s fence is rotting and falling down because he wouldn t spend money to paint it. He is penny wise and pound foolish … Словарь американских идиом
penny wise and pound foolish — unwise because doing something small now would prevent much more trouble later. Education budget cuts are penny wise and pound foolish – public education is an investment in our future … New idioms dictionary
be penny-wise and pound-foolish — old fashioned to be extremely careful about small amounts of money and not careful enough about larger amounts of money. Saving a little bit of money on repairs can lead to long term damage. You don t want to be penny wise and pound foolish, now… … New idioms dictionary
penny wise and pound foolish — economical in small matters but extravagant in large ones. → penny wise … English new terms dictionary
penny wise and pound foolish — intelligent in trivial matters but foolish in important ones … English contemporary dictionary