- programming
"The network changed its programming to mess with DVRs again."
"Management wanted to know how much programming the project would need."
Wikipedia foundation.
"The network changed its programming to mess with DVRs again."
"Management wanted to know how much programming the project would need."
Wikipedia foundation.
programming — pro‧gram‧ming [ˈprəʊgræmɪŋ ǁ ˈproʊ ] noun [uncountable] 1. COMPUTING the work of writing instructions for computers to perform particular tasks: • an expert in computer programming 2. television or radio programmes, or the work involved in… … Financial and business terms
Programming — [engl.], Programmierung … Universal-Lexikon
programming — [prō′gram΄iŋ, prō′grə miŋ] n. 1. the programs broadcast on radio or TV 2. the schedule, selection, etc. of these programs 3. the act, process, or work of writing or developing computer programs … English World dictionary
programming — /proh gram ing, greuh ming/, n. 1. the act or process of planning or writing a program. 2. Radio and Television. a. the selection and scheduling of programs for a particular period, station, or network. b. the programs scheduled. Also, programing … Universalium
programming — coun·ter·programming; mi·cro·programming; mul·ti·programming; programming; de·programming; … English syllables
programming — pro|gram|ming [ prou,græmıŋ ] noun uncount * 1. ) the activity or job of writing and developing computer programs: a simple programming language computer programming 2. ) the planning and development of television or radio programs:… … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English
programming */ — UK [ˈprəʊˌɡræmɪŋ] / US [ˈproʊˌɡræmɪŋ] noun [uncountable] 1) computing the activity or job of writing and developing computer programs a simple programming language computer programming 2) a) the planning and development of television or radio… … English dictionary
programming — noun 1. setting an order and time for planned events (Freq. 2) • Syn: ↑scheduling, ↑programing • Derivationally related forms: ↑program (for: ↑programing), ↑programme, ↑ … Useful english dictionary
Programming — Das Wort Programming steht für: Sendeschema, programmgestalterische Maßnahmen eines Rundfunksenders, siehe Rundfunkprogramm eine Form der Schleichwerbung, siehe Programming (Schleichwerbung) in der Musikproduktion das Ausarbeiten des Arrangements … Deutsch Wikipedia
programming — pro|gram|ming [ˈprəugræmıŋ US ˈprou ] n [U] 1.) the activity of writing programs for computers, or something written by a programmer ▪ a course in computer programming 2.) television or radio programmes, or the planning of these broadcasts ▪ The… … Dictionary of contemporary English