- selfless
In a selfless act of gratitude for saving his mothers life, Peter committed to giving money to his local breast cancer charity each year for the rest of his life.
Wikipedia foundation.
In a selfless act of gratitude for saving his mothers life, Peter committed to giving money to his local breast cancer charity each year for the rest of his life.
Wikipedia foundation.
Selfless — may refer to:*Selflessness, the act of sacrificing ones own interest for the greater good * Selfless (album), Godflesh s third official album * Selfless ( Buffy episode), a Buffy the Vampire Slayer episodeee also*Self … Wikipedia
Selfless — Self less, a. Having no regard to self; unselfish. [1913 Webster] Lo now, what hearts have men! they never mount As high as woman in her selfless mood. Tennyson. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
selfless — [self′lis] adj. 1. devoted to others welfare or interests and not one s own; unselfish; altruistic 2. showing or prompted by unselfishness or altruism; self sacrificing [a selfless act] selflessly adv. selflessness n … English World dictionary
selfless — index dispassionate, liberal (generous), philanthropic Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 … Law dictionary
selfless — devoted to others welfare or interest and not one s own, 1825, from SELF (Cf. self) + LESS (Cf. less). First attested in Coleridge … Etymology dictionary
selfless — ► ADJECTIVE ▪ concerned more with the needs and wishes of others than with one s own. DERIVATIVES selflessly adverb selflessness noun … English terms dictionary
selfless — [[t]se̱lfləs[/t]] ADJ GRADED (approval) If you say that someone is selfless, you approve of them because they care about other people more than themselves. She was a wonderful companion and her generosity to me was entirely selfless... Perhaps… … English dictionary
selfless — adj. Selfless is used with these nouns: ↑act, ↑devotion, ↑generosity, ↑love … Collocations dictionary
selfless — self|less [ˈselfləs] adj caring about other people more than about yourself used to show approval ▪ selfless devotion to their work >selflessly adv >selflessness n [U] … Dictionary of contemporary English
selfless — adjective caring about other people more than about yourself: selfless devotion to their work selflessly adverb selflessness noun (U) … Longman dictionary of contemporary English