Plenary session — is a term often used in s to define the part of the conference when all members of all parties are in attendance.These sessions may contain a broad range of content from Keynotes to Panel Discussions and are not necessarily related to a specific… … Wikipedia
plenary session — n. A meeting of a legislature or other group attended by all members. The Essential Law Dictionary. Sphinx Publishing, An imprint of Sourcebooks, Inc. Amy Hackney Blackwell. 2008 … Law dictionary
plenary session — gathering of all participants needed for the purpose of debate and decision making … English contemporary dictionary
plenary session — A meeting of all members of a deliberative body, as distinguished from a meeting of a committee of the same body … Black's law dictionary
plenary — ple‧na‧ry [ˈpliːnəri] adjective [only before a noun] formal involving all the members of a committee or other group that meets: • The proposal was due for debate at a plenary session of the European Parliament. * * * Ⅰ. plenary UK US /ˈpliːnəri/… … Financial and business terms
plenary — ple·na·ry / plē nə rē, ple / adj: full and complete in every respect: as a: absolute (1) plenary power b: fully attended or constituted a plenary session of the legislature c: including a … Law dictionary
Plenary — is an adjective related to the noun plenum carrying a general connotation of fullness. Plenary may refer to:*Plenary session or meeting, the part of a conference when all members of all parties are in attendance *Plenary power or plenary… … Wikipedia
plenary — [plē′nə rē, plen′ərē] adj. [LL plenarius < L plenus, FULL1] 1. full; complete; absolute [plenary power] 2. for attendance by all members [a plenary session] plenarily [plē′nərə lē, plen′ərə lē] adv … English World dictionary
session — noun 1 meeting of a court, parliament, etc. ADJECTIVE ▪ inaugural, opening ▪ closing, final, last ▪ current ▪ joint … Collocations dictionary
plenary — [[t]pli͟ːnəri, ple̱n [/t]] plenaries ADJ: ADJ n A plenary session or plenary meeting is one that is attended by everyone who has the right to attend. [TECHNICAL] The programme was approved at a plenary session of the Central Committee last week.… … English dictionary