
Any member of an ancient East Germanic tribe, one branch of the Goths (the Ostrogoths being the other), which participated in several wars with Rome and established a kingdom with Toulouse for its capital.

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  • visigoth — visigoth, othe Visigoths n. et adj. V. wisigoth, Wisigoths. wisigoth ou visigoth, othe n. et adj. ou wisigothique adj. HIST Des Wisigoths, qui a rapport aux Wisigoths. ⇒WISIGOTH, VISIGOTH, OTHE, subst. et adj. A. HISTOIRE 1. Subst. masc. plur.… …   Encyclopédie Universelle

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  • visigoth — (vi zi go) s. m. 1°   Nom d une des deux grandes nations des Goths 2°   Adj. Fig. Grossier, sauvage. •   Un clerc, pour quinze sous, sans craindre le holà, Peut aller au parterre attaquer Attila ; Et, si le roi des Huns ne lui charme l oreille,… …   Dictionnaire de la Langue Française d'Émile Littré

  • Visigoth — noun Etymology: Late Latin Visigothi, plural Date: 1597 a member of the western division of the Goths • Visigothic adjective …   New Collegiate Dictionary

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  • Visigoth — Visigothic, adj. /viz i goth /, n. a member of the westerly division of the Goths, which formed a monarchy about A.D. 418, maintaining it in southern France until 507 and in Spain until 711. Cf. Ostrogoth. [1605 15; < LL Visigothi (pl.) < Gmc,… …   Universalium

  • Visigoth — Vis·i·goth || vɪzɪgɒθ n. member of the western division of the Goths …   English contemporary dictionary

  • Visigoth — [ vɪzɪgɒθ] noun a member of the branch of the Goths who invaded the Roman Empire between the 3rd and 5th centuries AD and ruled much of Spain until overthrown by the Moors in 711. Derivatives Visigothic adjective Origin from late L. Visigothus,… …   English new terms dictionary

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