past historic — noun past historic tense … Wiktionary
past historic — noun Etymology: past (III) + historic : past tense a … Useful english dictionary
Past historical — The past historical, called preterite in some grammars, [Wilson, Scaryln Norman. Teach Yourself French . New York: David McKay Company, 1970. 46.] is a tense in Romance languages used to refer to events that occurred and were completed in the… … Wikipedia
past tense — noun a verb tense that expresses actions or states in the past • Syn: ↑past • Hypernyms: ↑tense • Hyponyms: ↑preterit, ↑preterite * * * noun : a verb tense expressing action or state in or as if in the … Useful english dictionary
tense — is the location in time of the state or action expressed by a verb. English verbs properly have only two tenses, the present (I stay) and past (I stayed). The future is formed with shall or will (I shall / will stay: see shall and will) or (to… … Modern English usage
historic present — is a term used of narrative that is put in the present tense for dramatic effect, although it is describing events in the past. For example: • She had no notion of how welcome she would be. But Raymond opens the door before she can touch the bell … Modern English usage
historic — ► ADJECTIVE 1) famous or important in history, or potentially so. 2) Grammar (of a tense) used in relating past events … English terms dictionary
historic — adj. 1 famous or important in history or potentially so (a historic moment). 2 Gram. (of a tense) normally used in the narration of past events (esp. Latin & Greek imperfect and pluperfect; (cf. PRIMARY)). 3 archaic or disp. = HISTORICAL. Phrases … Useful english dictionary
historic — adjective 1》 famous or important in history, or potentially so. ↘archaic of the past. 2》 Grammar (of a tense) used in the narration of past events, especially Latin and Greek imperfect and pluperfect. Usage Historic and historical are used in … English new terms dictionary
past — {{Roman}}I.{{/Roman}} noun 1 time before the present ADJECTIVE ▪ immediate, recent ▪ ancient, dim and distant (BrE), distant, remote ▪ Many modern festivals can be traced back … Collocations dictionary