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gemot — or gemote [gə mōt′] n. [OE < ge , collective prefix (akin to L cum: see COM ) + mōt, assembly: see MOOT] an early English public assembly or court, before the Norman Conquest; moot … English World dictionary
gemot — /gamowt/ In Saxon law, a meeting or moot; a convention; a public assemblage. These were of several sorts, such as the witena gemot, or meeting of the wise men; the folc gemot, or general assembly of the people; the shire gemot, or county court;… … Black's law dictionary
gemot — /gamowt/ In Saxon law, a meeting or moot; a convention; a public assemblage. These were of several sorts, such as the witena gemot, or meeting of the wise men; the folc gemot, or general assembly of the people; the shire gemot, or county court;… … Black's law dictionary
gemot — or gemote noun Etymology: Old English gemōt, from ge , perfective prefix + mōt assembly more at co , moot Date: before 12th century a judicial or legislative assembly in Anglo Saxon England … New Collegiate Dictionary
gemot — /geuh moht /, n. (in Anglo Saxon England) a legislative or judicial assembly. Also, gemote. [OE gemot, equiv. to ge collective prefix + mot meeting; see MOOT] * * * … Universalium
gemót — n ( es/ ) conflict, encounter; gemót wyrcan to take counsel … Old to modern English dictionary
gemot — ge•mot or ge•mote [[t]gəˈmoʊt[/t]] n. why (in Anglo Saxon England) a legislative or judicial assembly • Etymology: OE gemōt=ge collective prefix +mōt meeting; see moot … From formal English to slang
gemot — /gəˈmoʊt/ (say guh moht) noun English History a meeting or an assembly in Anglo Saxon England, as for judicial or legislative purposes. Also, gemote. {Old English gemōt, from ge together + mōt meeting. Compare moot1} …
Gemot — A meeting or assembly; a *moot. Cf. Burewarmot; Witenagemot … Dictionary of Medieval Terms and Phrases
gemot — ge·mot … English syllables