- concatenative
Robert A. Heinlein, Stranger in a Strange Land (1960)
Wikipedia foundation.
Robert A. Heinlein, Stranger in a Strange Land (1960)
Wikipedia foundation.
Concatenative synthesis — is a technique for synthesising sounds by concatenating short samples of recorded sound (called units). The duration of the units is not strictly defined and may vary according to the implementation, roughly in the range of 10 milliseconds up to… … Wikipedia
Concatenative programming language — Programming paradigms Agent oriented Automata based Component based Flow based Pipelined Concatenative Concurr … Wikipedia
Speech synthesis — Stephen Hawking is one of the most famous people using speech synthesis to communicate Speech synthesis is the artificial production of human speech. A computer system used for this purpose is called a speech synthesizer, and can be implemented… … Wikipedia
Sintetizador del habla — Uno o varios wikipedistas están trabajando actualmente en este artículo o sección. Es posible que a causa de ello haya lagunas de contenido o deficiencias de formato. Si quieres, puedes ayudar y editar, pero por favor: antes de realizar… … Wikipedia Español
Factor (programming language) — Infobox programming language name = Factor paradigm = stack based year = 2003 developer = Slava Pestov latest release version = Continuous Builds [http://factorcode.org/binaries.fhtml] typing = strong, dynamic influenced by = Joy, Forth, Lisp,… … Wikipedia
Prototype-based programming — is a style of object oriented programming in which classes are not present, and behavior reuse (known as inheritance in class based languages) is performed via a process of cloning existing objects that serve as prototypes. This model can also be … Wikipedia
Joy (programming language) — Joy Paradigm(s) multi paradigm: functional, concatenative, stack oriented Appeared in 2001 Designed by Manfred von Thun Developer Manfred von Thun, John Cowan St … Wikipedia
V (programming language) — Infobox programming language name = V logo = paradigm = multi paradigm: functional, stack oriented year = 2007 designer = Rahul developer = Rahul latest release version = Jun 1, 2007 latest release date = Jun 1, 2007 typing = dynamic… … Wikipedia
Programmierparadigma — Ein Programmierparadigma ist ein fundamentaler Programmierstil.[1] Programmierparadigmen unterscheiden sich durch ihre Konzepte für die Repräsentation von statischen (wie beispielsweise Objekte, Methoden, Variablen, Konstanten) und dynamischen… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Конкатенативный язык программирования — Конкатенативные или стековые языки программирования основаны на том, что конкатенация двух фрагментов кода выражает их композицию. Эти языки используют стек для хранения аргументов и возвращаемых значений операций. Самый распространённый… … Википедия