- offhand
She gave an offhand speech.
He doesnt realise how hurtful his offhand remarks can be.
b) in an offhand manner
Wikipedia foundation.
She gave an offhand speech.
He doesnt realise how hurtful his offhand remarks can be.
Wikipedia foundation.
Offhand — Off hand , a. Instant; unprepared; ready; extemporaneous; unrehearsed; as, an offhand speech; offhand excuses; an offhand comment. adv. In an offhand manner; as, he replied offhand. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
offhand — [adj1] abrupt, careless aloof, breezy, brusque, casual, cavalier, cool*, curt, easygoing, folksy, glib, informal, laid back, mellow, perfunctory, unceremonious, unconcerned, uninterested; concepts 267,401,542 Ant. calculated, careful, considered … New thesaurus
offhand — [ôf′hand′, ôf′hand΄] adv. without prior preparation or study; at once; extemporaneously adj. 1. said or done offhand; extemporaneous; unpremeditated 2. casual, curt, informal, brusque, etc.: Also offhanded offhandedly adv. offhandedness n … English World dictionary
offhand — index cursory, impulsive (rash), informal, nonchalant, perfunctory, slipshod, unpremeditated Burto … Law dictionary
offhand — *extemporaneous, extempore, extemporary, improvised, impromptu, unpremeditated Analogous words: casual, desultory, *random: abrupt, hasty, sudden, *precipitate, impetuous: brusque, curt, blunt (see BLUFF) Contrasted words: studied, advised,… … New Dictionary of Synonyms
offhand — ► ADJECTIVE ▪ ungraciously nonchalant or cool in manner. ► ADVERB ▪ without previous consideration … English terms dictionary
offhand — offhandedly, adv. offhandedness, n. /awf hand , of /, adv. 1. cavalierly, curtly, or brusquely: to reply offhand. 2. without previous thought or preparation; extempore: to decide offhand to take a trip. adj. 3. informal, casual, curt, or brusque … Universalium
offhand — off|hand1 [ˌɔfˈhænd US ˌo:f ] adj 1.) BrE not very friendly towards someone when you are talking to them ▪ She said you were a bit offhand with her this afternoon. ▪ an offhand tone of voice 2.) said or done without thinking or planning ▪ an… … Dictionary of contemporary English
offhand — I. adverb Date: 1680 without premeditation or preparation ; extempore < couldn t give the figures offhand > II. adjective Date: 1692 1. casual, informal < a relaxed, offhand manner > … New Collegiate Dictionary
offhand — [ɒfˈhænd] adj I 1) unfriendly in the way that you treat someone 2) an offhand remark is one that you do not think carefully about II adv offhand [ɒfˈhænd] immediately and without checking the facts I can t remember their names offhand.[/ex] … Dictionary for writing and speaking English