- ceromancy
By Ceromancy, where, by the means of Wax dissolved into Water, thou shalt see the Figure, Poutrait and lively Representation of thy future Wife, and of her Fredin Fredaliatory Belly-thumping Blades.
Wikipedia foundation.
By Ceromancy, where, by the means of Wax dissolved into Water, thou shalt see the Figure, Poutrait and lively Representation of thy future Wife, and of her Fredin Fredaliatory Belly-thumping Blades.
Wikipedia foundation.
Ceromancy — Cer o*man cy, n. [Gr. khro s wax + mancy.] Divination by dropping melted wax in water. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Ceromancy — is a form of divination where heated wax is used to tell fortunes. Method Traditionally a brass bowl is used in the ritual. Water is added to the bowl and then a candle is lit. The melted wax is then poured into the bowl and the subsequent shapes … Wikipedia
ceromancy — divination by means of wax drippings Divination and Fortune Telling … Phrontistery dictionary
ceromancy — ce·ro·man·cy … English syllables
ceromancy — /ˈsɛrəmænsi/ (say seruhmansee) noun a form of divination using molten wax dropped into water …
ceromancy — ˈsirəˌman(t)sē, ˈser noun ( es) Etymology: probably from French céromancie, from cér cer + mancie mancy : divination from figures formed by melted wax in water … Useful english dictionary
Surrealist techniques — Surrealism Surrealist Manifesto Surrealist cinema Surrealist music Surrealist techniques Surrealism in art, poetry, and literature uses numerous techniques and games to provide inspiration. Many of these are said to free imagination by producing… … Wikipedia
Methods of divination — This article is about the numerous varieties of divination. For divination as a whole, see Divination. Innumerable methods of divination can be found around the world, and many cultures practice the same methods under different names. During the… … Wikipedia
Carromancy — (from Greek carro , waxen , and manteia , divination ), otherwise known as ceromancy, is a form of divination involving wax. One of the most common methods of carromancy is to heat wax until molten, then to pour it directly into cold water. The… … Wikipedia
divination — I (New American Roget s College Thesaurus) n. prediction, prophecy, augury, guess; sorcery. II (Roget s IV) n. Syn. augury, interpretation of omens, prediction, soothsaying, sorcery, calculation, foretelling, foreshadowing, palmistry, prognostics … English dictionary for students