- semantron
A percussion instrument used chiefly in Eastern Orthodox monasteries to summon the brethren to prayer or to lead processions.
Wikipedia foundation.
Wikipedia foundation.
Semantron — The semantron (Greek: σήμαντρον) or semanterion (σημαντήριον); also called a xylon (ξύλον) (Romanian: toacă ; Russian: било, bilo ; bg. клепало, klepalo ) is a percussion instrument made of a long, well planed piece of timber, usually heart of… … Wikipedia
semantron — sə̇ˈman.ˌträn noun ( s) Etymology: Late Greek sēmantron sign, signal, semantron, from Greek, seal, sign, from sēmainein to signify : a wooden plank or an iron bar that gives a sound like a gong when struck with a mallet and that takes the place… … Useful english dictionary
Semantron — Holztoacă im Glockenstuhl von Căpuşneni Das Semantron σημαντρον (Semanterion, σημαντήριον, rumänisch Toacă, bulgarisch Klepalo, Stundentrommel , lateinisch Tabula) ist ein in der Regel hölzernes Schlagbrett, das in den orthodoxen Kirchen und in… … Deutsch Wikipedia
semantron — se·man·tron … English syllables
Church bell — Cutaway drawing of a church bell, showing construction. A church bell is a bell which is rung in a (especially Christian) church either to signify the hour or the time for worshippers to go to church, perhaps to attend a wedding, funeral, or… … Wikipedia
Liste von Musikinstrumenten — Diese Liste enthält Musikinstrumente, also Gegenstände, die entweder eigens hergestellt wurden, um mit den Tönen, die sie erzeugen, Musik zu machen, oder die in einer Nebenfunktion regelmäßig zum Musikmachen verwendet werden. Teile von… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Glocke — (ein deutsches Wort, welches schon althochdeutsch glokka, nordgermanisch klucka lautet u. wahrscheinlich mit chlochon, d.h. schlagen, zusammenhängt; es ist auch ins Mittellateinische als clocca übergegangen), 1) metallenes, oben einem… … Pierer's Universal-Lexikon
Txalaparta — The txalaparta (IPA: [tʃaˈlapaɾta] or [tʃala paɾta] ) is a specialized Basque music device of wood or stone, similar to Romanian toacă. In Basque, zalaparta (with /s/) means noise . CommunicationOriginally, the txalaparta was a communication… … Wikipedia
BI-LO — is the name of several different supermarket chains around the world:* BI LO (Australia) * BI LO (United States)Bilo is also * The retarded brother of Sacha Baron Cohen s character Borat (pronounced Billo ). * The nickname of musician Pete… … Wikipedia
Sfarmă-Piatră — (literally Stone Crusher or Rock Breaker , named after one of the Uriaşi characters in Romanian folklore; IPA2| sfar.mə pja.trə) was an antisemitic daily, monthly and later weekly newspaper, published in Romania during the late 1930s and early… … Wikipedia