- Ahasuerus
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Ahasuerus — (Hebrew Name|אֲחַשְׁוֵרוֹשׁ|Aḥašveroš|ʾĂḥašwērôš, Latin: Xerxes , Persian: Khashayarshah , commonly transliterated Achashverosh) is a name used several times in the Hebrew Bible, as well as related legends and apocrypha.Equivalence of the names… … Wikipedia
AHASUERUS — (Heb. אֲחַשְׁוֵרוֹשׁ), king of Persia, who according to the Book of Esther ruled from India to Ethiopia (see Book of esther ; artaxerxes ). In the Aggadah Ahasuerus generally is portrayed as vacillating, lacking in character, and easily swayed.… … Encyclopedia of Judaism
Ahasuerus — [ə haz΄yo͞o ir′əs, əhas΄yo͞o ir′əs] n. [Heb < OPers Xxayars̆an] Bible either of two kings of the Medes and Persians, esp. the one (often identified as Xerxes I) who was married to Esther: Esth. 1; Ezra 4:6 … English World dictionary
Ahasuerus — Ahasveros (altpersisch Chšayāŗšā, hebräisch אֲחַשְׁוֵרוֹשׁ Achashverosh, aramäisch Aḫšeweruš, griechisch Ασυηρος, lateinisch Ahasuerus, Ahasverus) ist ein Name altpersischen Ursprungs. Er wird meist als Transliteration des persischen خشیارش… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Ahasuerus — There are three kings designated by this name in Scripture. 1) The father of Darius the Mede, mentioned in Dan. 9:1. This was probably the Cyaxares I. known by this name in profane history, the king of Media and the conqueror of Nineveh.… … Easton's Bible Dictionary
Ahasuerus — Probably to be identified with Xerxes Ⅰ (486–465 BCE), who is mentioned by the Greek historian Herodotus. As portrayed in the book of Esther, Ahasuerus oscillated between threatening a holocaust at the instigation of Haman, followed by protection … Dictionary of the Bible
AHASUERUS-XERXES — (Heb. אחשורש; Aram. Papyri חשי(א)רש; Dura Synagogue חשורש; Old Persian Xšayāršā; Gr. Ξερξης). If one ignores the vowels, the biblical consonantal text is a close approximation of the king s name. The Persian king known to the Greeks as Xerxes I… … Encyclopedia of Judaism
Ahasuerus and Haman at the feast of Esther — The painting Ahasveros and Haman to the feast of Esther is one of the few works of Rembrandt van Rijn of which all owners are known. The origin of the painting can be traced back to 1662, two years after its completion.ubjectThe subject is an… … Wikipedia
Ahasuerus, King — A transferred name which is used by Jane to Mr Rochester in Charlotte Brontë’s Jane Eyre. Jane asks him to gratify her curiosity about something, now that they are to be Married. Rochester says: ‘I wish that instead of a mere inquiry into,… … A dictionary of epithets and terms of address
Ahasuerus — /euh haz yooh ear euhs, euh has , euh hazh ooh /; Seph. Heb. /ah khahsh ve rddawsh /; Ashk. Heb. /ah kheuhsh vay rddeuhsh/, n. a king of ancient Persia, known to the Greeks as Xerxes: husband of the Biblical Esther. * * * … Universalium