- insourcing
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Wikipedia foundation.
Insourcing — is the opposite of outsourcing; that is insourcing (or contracting in) is often defined as the delegation of operations or jobs from production within a business to an internal (but stand alone ) entity that specializes in that operation.… … Wikipedia
insourcing — in‧sourc‧ing [ˈɪnˌsɔːsɪŋ ǁ ɔːr ] noun [uncountable] HUMAN RESOURCES when a company or other organization uses its own employees to do something rather than employing another company to do it: • What are the advantages of insourcing over… … Financial and business terms
Insourcing — Unter Insourcing, Backsourcing bzw. Wiedereinlagerung versteht man die Wiedereingliederung von (zuvor ausgelagerten) Prozessen und Funktionen in das Unternehmen. Insourcing reduziert die Abhängigkeit von externen Zulieferern, da wieder größere… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Insourcing — Assigning a project to a person or department within the company instead of hiring an outside person or company to do the work. While outsourcing is commonly thought of as a way for companies to save money, it is sometimes more cost effective to… … Investment dictionary
Insourcing — Ịn|sour|cing 〈[ sɔ:sıŋ] n.; od. s; unz.; Wirtsch.〉 Übernahme von Zulieferungen od. Dienstleistungen, die vormals durch externe Firmen erbracht wurden, in das auftraggebende Unternehmen selbst, z. B. eigene Herstellung von Zulieferungsteilen,… … Universal-Lexikon
Insourcing — Reintegration von Leistungsprozessen, die den ⇡ Kernkompetenzen eines Unternehmens entsprechen und die evtl. zuvor durch ⇡ Outsourcing aus dem Leistungsumfang des Unternehmens ausgegliedert wurden … Lexikon der Economics
insourcing — … Useful english dictionary
Recruitment Process Insourcing — (RPI) is a diversion from contemporary Recruitment Process Outsourcing (RPO) services, a subset of Business Process Outsourcing. RPI differs from RPO in its more intimate delivery, focusing on absorbing the client company s current state, culture … Wikipedia
regional insourcing — noun The practice of delegating or assigning of procedures, functions or jobs from production within a business in one location to an internal entity that specializes in that operation in another location within a geographic region … Wiktionary
Отзыв обслуживания/INSOURCING — возврат в компанию выполнения функций сопровождения своих средств и систем информационно коммуникационных технологий … Толковый словарь по информационному обществу и новой экономике