
An enzyme that repairs DNA that has been damaged by light.

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  • Photolyase — is an enzyme that binds complementary DNA strands and breaks certain types of pyrimidine dimers that are caused by exposure to ultraviolet light. Two kinds of pyrimidine dimers arise when a pair of thymine bases or cytosine bases on the same… …   Wikipedia

  • Photolyase — FADH2 (jaune) et 8 HDF (cyan). La photolyase est une enzyme qui répare certains des dommages causés dans l ADN par les ultraviolets et en particulier les dimères de thymine ou plus généralement de pyrimidine. La protéine agit sous l action d une… …   Wikipédia en Français

  • photolyase — (= DNA photolyase) Family of ubiqitous enzymes found in bacteria, archaebacteria and eukaryotes that can repair UV induced DNA damage. The protein (between 454 to 614 residues) is associated with two prosthetic groups, FADH and a light harvesting …   Dictionary of molecular biology

  • photolyase — See deoxyribodipyrimidine p.. [photo + G. lyo, to loosen, + ase] …   Medical dictionary

  • DNA photolyase — Identifiers Symbol DNA photolyase Pfam PF00875 InterPro …   Wikipedia

  • deoxyribodipyrimidine photolyase — An enzyme in yeast that is activated by light, whereupon it can reverse a previous photochemical reaction by cleaving the cyclobutane ring of the thymine dimer. SYN: dipyrimidine photolyase, photoreactivating enzyme …   Medical dictionary

  • dipyrimidine photolyase — SYN: deoxyribodipyrimidine photolyase …   Medical dictionary

  • Photolyasen — Photolyase Kristallstruktur …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • PRP — • photolyase regulatory protein; • physiologic rest position; • pityriasis rubra pilaris; • platelet rich plasma; • polyribosyl ribitol phosphate; • postural rest position; • pressure rate product; • primary Raynaud phenomenon; • progressive… …   Dictionary of medical acronyms & abbreviations

  • Cryptochrome — 1 (photolyase like) Crystal structure of the PHR domain of cryptochrome 1 from Arabidopsis thaliana.[1] …   Wikipedia

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