sabbatian — SABBATIÁN, Ă s. m. f. membru al unei secte fondate în sec. IV care sărbătorea Paştele în aceeaşi zi cu evreii. (< fr. sabbathien) Trimis de raduborza, 15.09.2007. Sursa: MDN … Dicționar Român
sabbatian — … Useful english dictionary
Sabbatai Zevi — Sabbatai Zevi, (Hebrew Name 1|שַׁבְּתַי צְבִי|Shabbetay Ẓevi) (other spellings include Sabetay in Turkish, Shabbethai, Sabbetai, Shabbsai; Zvi; Sabbetai Tzvi; he was also known by the acronym ש״ץ Shatz) (August 1 1626 – possibly September 17 1676 … Wikipedia
Kabbalah — This article is about traditional Jewish Kabbalah. For other Kabbalistic traditions see Christian Cabbalah, Hermetic Qabalah, and Practical Kabbalah Part of a series on … Wikipedia
Donmeh West — Dönmeh West is a non sectarian, international organization which promotes an original reformulation of Sabbatean and Frankist kabbalah by its founder and leader, Reb Yakov Leib HaKohain. Its website has over 100,000 international visitors to date … Wikipedia
Elisheva Carlebach Yoffen — is an American scholar of early modern Jewish history. CareerCarlebach is the Salo Baron Professor of Jewish history at Columbia University. She was formerly History at Queens College and the Graduate Center, CUNY in New York City. She has… … Wikipedia
Sabbateans — Also not to be confused with Subbotniks or Sabbatarians. Note: Most Sabbateans during and after Sabbatai Zevi were Jews and practiced only Judaism, whereas the Donmeh officially practice/d Islam and are not regarded as Jews. Sabbateans is a… … Wikipedia
Maggid — For other uses, see Maggid (disambiguation). Maggid (מַגִּיד), sometimes spelled as magid, is a traditional Eastern European Jewish religious itinerant preacher, skilled as a narrator of Torah and religious stories. A preacher of the more… … Wikipedia
Barry Chamish — (born Winnipeg, 1952) is a Canadian Israeli writer, investigative journalist and public speaker, best known as a conspiracy theorist and UFO investigator, and often regarded as a Holocaust Denier. [] Hundreds of … Wikipedia
Dönmeh — Sabbatai Zevi in 1665 Dönmeh (Turkish: dönme) refers to a group of crypto Jews in the Ottoman Empire and present day Turkey who openly affiliated with Islam and secretly practiced a form of Judaism called Sabbateanism. The group originated during … Wikipedia