universe of discourse

universe of discourse
The set of all entities over which quantifiers—including "for all" and "there exists"—range.

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  • universe of discourse — n. Logic the totality of facts, things, or ideas that are implied or assumed in a given discussion, argument, or discourse * * * …   Universalium

  • universe of discourse — n. Logic the totality of facts, things, or ideas that are implied or assumed in a given discussion, argument, or discourse …   English World dictionary

  • Universe of discourse — U ni*verse of dis course, n. everything which may be considered, explicitly or implicitly, in a particular theory or discussion. [PJC] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • universe of discourse — noun everything stated or assumed in a given discussion • Syn: ↑universe • Hypernyms: ↑content, ↑cognitive content, ↑mental object * * * 1. : a collection of facts, ideas or entities that is tacitly implied or understood in a given statement,… …   Useful english dictionary

  • universe of discourse — The things across which the quantifiers of a formal theory may range: as it might be, the points on a line, or sets, or physical objects, or whatever else we are treating. The universe of discourse may, but also may not, form a set: for instance …   Philosophy dictionary

  • universe of discourse — Date: 1881 an inclusive class of entities that is tacitly implied or explicitly delineated as the subject of a statement, discourse, or theory …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • universe of discourse — noun Logic the complex of objects or facts which are capable of being treated by a given technical language or part of a language …  

  • Universe (disambiguation) — The Universe is everything that physically exists.Universe might also refer to:*Universe (mathematics), a class large enough to contain all sets one may wish to use *Universal set, a set which contains all objects, including itself *Universe… …   Wikipedia

  • universe — /yooh neuh verrs /, n. 1. the totality of known or supposed objects and phenomena throughout space; the cosmos; macrocosm. 2. the whole world, esp. with reference to humanity: a truth known throughout the universe. 3. a world or sphere in which… …   Universalium

  • universe — n. 1 all existing things; the whole creation; the cosmos. 2 all mankind. 3 Statistics & Logic all the objects under consideration. Phrases and idioms: universe of discourse Logic = sense 3. Etymology: F univers f. L universum neut. of universus… …   Useful english dictionary

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