- pavonazzetto
- noun /pævənætˈsɛtəʊ/
“Pavonazzetto,” Replevin said, “also known as Phrygian marble, once believed to take its coloring from the blood of the Phrygian youth Atys, the one you see right there, in fact [...].”
Wikipedia foundation.
“Pavonazzetto,” Replevin said, “also known as Phrygian marble, once believed to take its coloring from the blood of the Phrygian youth Atys, the one you see right there, in fact [...].”
Wikipedia foundation.
pavonazzetto — pa·vo·naz·zet·to … English syllables
pavonazzetto — noun see pavonazzo … Useful english dictionary
Mármol Pavonazzetto — Pavonazzetto es un tipo de mármol blanco con vetas púrpura , o marrón morado,[1] como en la cola del pavo real. También se le llama frigio, por su origen en la región homónima de Asia Menor, ahora la región del Egeo de Turquía. El pavonazzetto… … Wikipedia Español
Breccia — (pronEng|ˈbrɛtʃiə, ˈbrɛʃiə, it. breach) is a rock composed of angular fragments of several minerals or rocks in a matrix, that is a cementing material, that may be similar or different in composition to the fragments. A breccia may have a variety … Wikipedia
Pantheon (Rom) — Fassade des Pantheons Grundriss des unter Hadrian erbauten Pantheons … Deutsch Wikipedia
Santa Maria ad Martyres — Fassade des Pantheons Grundriss des unter Hadrian erbauten Pantheons Das Pantheon (griechisch … Deutsch Wikipedia
Santa Maria ad Martyres (Kirche in Rom) — Fassade des Pantheons Grundriss des unter Hadrian erbauten Pantheons Das Pantheon (griechisch … Deutsch Wikipedia
Marbre jaune antique — Pavement en marbre jaune antique et marbre « pavonazzetto » (blanc) du Forum de Trajan à Rome Le marbre jaune antique est une variété de marbre utilisé par les Romains. Le nom moderne correspond au latin marmor numidicum (marbre de la… … Wikipédia en Français
Bocca della Verità — The Mouth of Truth. La Bocca della Verità (in English, the Mouth of Truth ) is an image, carved from Pavonazzetto marble, of a man like face, located in the portico of the church of Santa Maria in Cosmedin in Rome, Italy. The sculpture is thought … Wikipedia
Temple of Apollo Sosianus — The Temple of Apollo Sosianus (previously known as the Apollinar and the temple of Apollo Medicus [In Greek it appears as Ἀπολλώνιον, the Apollonion Cass. Dio frg. 50.1] ) is a Roman temple dedicated to Apollo in the Campus Martius, next to the… … Wikipedia