- Toy Fox Terrier
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Wikipedia foundation.
Toy Fox Terrier — Infobox Dogbreed akcgroup = Toy akcstd = http://www.akc.org/breeds/toy fox terrier/index.cfm altname = American Toy Terrier Amertoy ckcgroup = Miscellaneous Class ckcstd = ? country = United States image caption = A Male Toy Fox Terrier of the… … Wikipedia
Toy Manchester Terrier — doing agility Other names Toy Manchester Terrier Country of origin England, United Kingdom Traits … Wikipedia
Fox Terrier — The name Fox Terrier or Foxy refers primarily to two different breeds of dog, the Smooth Fox Terrier and the Wire Fox Terrier, that were independently bred in England in the mid 19th century. The two terrier breeds are very similar, with the only … Wikipedia
Miniature Fox Terrier — (F/16yrs) Other names Mini Foxie Country of origin Australia Traits Weight Male … Wikipedia
Chilean Fox Terrier — Other names Ratonero Chilean Rat Terrier Chilean Terrier Country of origin Chile Traits … Wikipedia
Toy dog — traditionally refers to a very small dog or a grouping of small and very small breeds of dog. Toy dog Groups may be of many different dog types. Groups are a way for show giving kennel clubs to place dogs of similar size and/or function together… … Wikipedia
Toy Terrier — can refer to one of several toy breeds of terrier:*Australian Silky Terrier *English Toy Terrier (Black Tan) *Russian Toy Terrier *Toy Fox Terrier *Toy Manchester Terrier *Rat Terrier *Yorkshire Terrier … Wikipedia
Toy Terrier — hace referencia a alguno de los diferentes perros Terrier de tamaño miniatura Australian Silky Terrier English Toy Terrier (Black Tan) Russkiy Toy (Terrier ruso) Toy Fox Terrier Toy Manchester Terrier Rat Terrier (Terrier ratonero) Yorkshire… … Wikipedia Español
Terrier — Airedale Terrier American Pit Bull Terrier … Deutsch Wikipedia
Terrier — Ter|ri|er [ tɛri̯ɐ], der; s, : in vielen Rassen gezüchteter, kleiner bis mittelgroßer, meist stichelhaariger Hund. Zus.: Foxterrier, Scotchterrier, Yorkshireterrier. * * * Tẹr|ri|er 〈m. 3〉 kleine bis mittelgroße Hunderasse, meist stichelhaarig… … Universal-Lexikon