- coreference
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coréférence — ● coréférence nom féminin Relation entre deux termes ayant le même référent. coréférence [kɔʀefeʀɑ̃s; koʀefeʀɑ̃s] n. f. ÉTYM. V. 1970; de co , et référence. ❖ ♦ Didact. Le fait, pour deux signes linguistiques (mots, groupes de mots), d avoir la … Encyclopédie Universelle
Coreference — In linguistics, co reference occurs when multiple expressions in a sentence or document refer to the same thing; or in linguistic jargon, they have the same referent. For example, in the sentence Mary said she would help me , she and Mary are… … Wikipedia
Coréférence — En linguistique, la coréférence est le phénomène qui consiste pour plusieurs expressions différentes contenues dans une phrase ou dans un document, à désigner le même objet. Par exemple une personne, un lieu, un événement, ou encore une date.… … Wikipédia en Français
coreference — /koh ref euhr euhns, ref reuhns/, n. Ling. a relationship between two words or phrases in which both refer to the same person or thing and one stands as a linguistic antecedent of the other, as the two pronouns in She taught herself but not in… … Universalium
coreference — co•ref•er•ence [[t]koʊˈrɛf ər əns, ˈrɛf rəns[/t]] n. ling. a relationship between two words or phrases in which both refer to the same person or thing and one is a linguistic antecedent of the other, as the two pronouns in She taught herself[/ex] … From formal English to slang
coreference — /koʊˈrɛfərəns/ (say koh refuhruhns) noun 1. Philosophy the use of two or more terms to refer to a single entity. 2. Linguistics the reference in one expression to the same referent in another expression within the same text, as in James said he… …
coreference — noun the grammatical relation between two words that have a common referent • Derivationally related forms: ↑coreferential, ↑coreferent • Hypernyms: ↑grammatical relation • Hyponyms: ↑reflexivity, ↑reflexiveness … Useful english dictionary
Natural language processing — (NLP) is a field of computer science and linguistics concerned with the interactions between computers and human (natural) languages; it began as a branch of artificial intelligence.[1] In theory, natural language processing is a very attractive… … Wikipedia
Crossover effects — In linguistics, crossover effects are restrictions on possible binding or coreference found between certain phrases and pronouns. Crossover effects are divided into weak crossover or strong crossover. Weak crossover In syntax, weak crossover (or… … Wikipedia
THÉORIE DES TRACES — Dans le cadre de la théorie standard étendue de la grammaire transformationnelle, la théorie des traces constitue une redéfinition des transformations de mouvement. Cette redéfinition permet également de faire apparaître des généralisations… … Encyclopédie Universelle