- monadelphous
Having all its stamens within a flower fused together at least partly by the filaments.
The stamens are monadelphous and are united for more than half their length into an open tube adnate to the petals
Wikipedia foundation.
The stamens are monadelphous and are united for more than half their length into an open tube adnate to the petals
Wikipedia foundation.
monadelphous — [män΄ə del′fəs] adj. [< MON + Gr adelphos, brother (< a , copulative + delphys, womb: see DOLPHIN) + OUS] having the stamens united by their filaments into one set or bundle, as some legumes … English World dictionary
Monadelphous — Monadelphian Mon a*del phi*an, Monadelphous Mon a*del phous, a. [Cf. F. monadelphie.] (Bot.) Of or pertaining to the Monadelphia; having the stamens united in one body by the filaments. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
monadelphous — adjective Date: 1806 of stamens united by the filaments into one group usually forming a tube around the gynoecium … New Collegiate Dictionary
monadelphous — /mon euh del feuhs/, adj. Bot. 1. (of stamens) united into one bundle or set by their filaments. 2. (of a plant or flower) having the stamens so united. [1800 10; MON + ADELPHOUS] * * * … Universalium
monadelphous — mÉ‘nÉ™ delfÉ™ / mÉ’ adj. (Botany) pertaining to stamens which have united filaments … English contemporary dictionary
monadelphous — [ˌmɒnə dɛlfəs] adjective Botany (of stamens) united by their filaments. Origin C19: from Gk monos one + adelphos brother + ous … English new terms dictionary
monadelphous — mon·a·del·phous … English syllables
monadelphous — mon•a•del•phous [[t]ˌmɒn əˈdɛl fəs[/t]] adj. 1) bot (of stamens) united into one bundle or set by their filaments 2) bot (of a plant or flower) having the stamens so united • Etymology: 1800–10 … From formal English to slang
monadelphous — /mɒnəˈdɛlfəs/ (say monuh delfuhs) adjective 1. (of stamens) united into one bundle or set by their filaments. 2. (of a plant or flower) having the stamens so united. {mon + Greek adelphos brother + ous} …
monadelphous — adj. Bot. 1 (of stamens) having filaments united into one bundle. 2 (of a plant) with such stamens. Etymology: Gk monos one + adelphos brother … Useful english dictionary