bog down

bog down
a) To become stuck (as if in a bog) and unable to progress.
b) To cause to become stuck and unable to progress.

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  • bog down — {v. phr.} To be immobilized in mud, snow, etc.; slow down. * /Our research got bogged down for a lack of appropriate funding./ * /Don t get bogged down in too much detail when you write an action story./ …   Dictionary of American idioms

  • bog down — {v. phr.} To be immobilized in mud, snow, etc.; slow down. * /Our research got bogged down for a lack of appropriate funding./ * /Don t get bogged down in too much detail when you write an action story./ …   Dictionary of American idioms

  • bog down — (someone/something) to cause someone or something to stop developing or moving forward. The film bogs down after a really great beginning. Etymology: based on the idea of being trapped in a bog (= area of soft, wet earth) …   New idioms dictionary

  • bog down — [v] stick; become stuck decelerate, delay, detain, halt, hang up, impede, retard, set back, sink, slacken, slow down, slow up, stall; concept 121 …   New thesaurus

  • bog down — verb 1. get stuck while doing something (Freq. 1) She bogged down many times while she wrote her dissertation • Syn: ↑bog • Hypernyms: ↑break, ↑break off, ↑discontinue, ↑stop …   Useful english dictionary

  • bog down — phrasal verb [transitive, usually passive] Word forms bog down : present tense I/you/we/they bog down he/she/it bogs down present participle bogging down past tense bogged down past participle bogged down 1) be/get bogged down to be or become so… …   English dictionary

  • bog down someone — bog down (someone/something) to cause someone or something to stop developing or moving forward. The film bogs down after a really great beginning. Etymology: based on the idea of being trapped in a bog (= area of soft, wet earth) …   New idioms dictionary

  • bog down something — bog down (someone/something) to cause someone or something to stop developing or moving forward. The film bogs down after a really great beginning. Etymology: based on the idea of being trapped in a bog (= area of soft, wet earth) …   New idioms dictionary

  • bog down — PHR V ERG If a plan or process bogs down or if something bogs it down, it is delayed and no progress is made. → See also bogged down [V n P] We intended from the very beginning to bog the prosecution down over who did this... [V P] The talks have …   English dictionary

  • bog\ down — v. phr. To be immobilized in mud, snow, etc.; slow down. Our research got bogged down for a lack of appropriate funding. Don t get bogged down in too much detail when you write an action story …   Словарь американских идиом

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