
The property of a spinning mass that twists spacetime
See Also: gravitomagnetic

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  • Gravitomagnetism — (sometimes Gravitoelectromagnetism, abbreviated GEM), refers to a set of formal analogies between Maxwell s field equations and an approximation to the Einstein field equations for general relativity, valid under certain conditions. For instance …   Wikipedia

  • Frame-dragging — Albert Einstein s theory of general relativity predicts that rotating bodies drag spacetime around themselves in a phenomenon referred to as frame dragging. The rotational frame dragging effect was first derived from the theory of general… …   Wikipedia

  • Speed of gravity — In the context of classical theories of gravitation, the speed of gravity refers to the speed at which a gravitational field propagates. This is the speed at which changes in the distribution of energy and momentum result in noticeable changes in …   Wikipedia

  • Gravitomagnetismus — Als gravitomagnetisches Feld oder Gravitomagnetismus werden in der Allgemeinen Relativitätstheorie (ART) die Anteile des Gravitationsfeldes (das heißt, der Krümmung der Raumzeit) bezeichnet, die nicht durch Massen oder Energiedichten, sondern… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Gravity Probe B — ( GP B ) is a satellite based mission which launched in 2004. The spaceflight phase lasted until 2005, and data analysis is currently under way (as of May 2008) and may continue to into 2010 [ [ …   Wikipedia

  • Artificial gravity — is a simulation of gravity in outer space or free fall. Artificial gravity is desirable for long term space travel for ease of mobility and to avoid the adverse health effects of weightlessness.MethodsArtificial gravity could be created in… …   Wikipedia

  • Martin Tajmar — is a research scientist and project manager in the Space Propulsion group at Austrian Research Center (ARC) Seibersdorf. He has research interests in new space propulsion systems, and possible connections between gravity and superconductivity.… …   Wikipedia

  • Gravitomagnetisches Feld — Als gravitomagnetisches Feld oder Gravitomagnetismus werden in der Allgemeinen Relativitätstheorie (ART) die Anteile des Gravitationsfeldes (das heißt, der Krümmung der Raumzeit) bezeichnet, die nicht durch Massen oder Energiedichten, sondern… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Гравитомагнетизм — Гравитомагнетизм, гравимагнетизм, иногда гравитоэлектромагнетизм общее название нескольких эффектов, вызываемых движением гравитирующего тела. Содержание 1 Гравитомагнетизм в общей теории относительности …   Википедия

  • Bahram Mashhoon — (* 9. September 1947 in Teheran)[1] ist ein in den USA lebender iranisch US amerikanischer theoretischer Physiker, der sich mit Gravitationsphysik befasst. Leben Mashhoon studierte an der University of California, Berkeley (Bachelor 1969) und… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

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