arse bandit
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arse bandit — noun (offensive) A male homosexual • • • Main Entry: ↑arse … Useful english dictionary
arse bandit — n British a male homosexual. The humorous but not affectionate term suggests an aggres sive, predatory or desperate enemy. It is very much a term of jovial male abuse (there is no record of women saying it) in public schools, the army and the pub … Contemporary slang
arse bandit — /ˈas bændət/ (say ahs banduht) noun Colloquial (taboo) (derogatory) a male homosexual. Usage: See note at arse …
Arse bandit — male homosexual … Dictionary of Australian slang
arse bandit — I Australian Slang male homosexual II Scottish Vernacular Dictionary Pejorative term for a homosexual III Glesga Glossary To be Gay … English dialects glossary
arse-bandit — Noun. A homosexual male. Derog … English slang and colloquialisms
arse — a person viewed sexually Literally, the buttocks but, because they were the subject of taboo while a donkey wasn t, it was changed to ass, which quickly acquired similar connotations and persists in America. Thus in obsolete British use, a… … How not to say what you mean: A dictionary of euphemisms
bandit — I. n British 1. a homosexual. A dismissive or derisory term used by avowedly heterosexual males and deriving from longer expres sions such as trouser bandit, arse bandit, chocolate bandit, etc. 2. bandit an ironic or jocular combining word, added … Contemporary slang
trouser bandit — n British a male homosexual. A humorous, though pejorative, euphemism, evoking the image of a predatory or promiscuous gay male. Bum bandit and arse bandit are alternative versions … Contemporary slang
ass-bandit — n American a North American and Caribbean version of arse bandit … Contemporary slang