
That emits significant amounts of radio waves; radio-bright

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  • Radio galaxy — Radio galaxies and their relatives, radio loud quasars and blazars, are types of active galaxy that are very luminous at radio wavelengths (up to 1038 W between 10 MHz and 100 GHz). The radio emission is due to the synchrotron process. The… …   Wikipedia

  • radio-bright — adjective That emits significant amounts of radio waves; radio luminous …   Wiktionary

  • Radio premium — During the time that radio programs were the dominant medium in the United States, some programs advertised souvenirs of the various shows, which were sometimes called radio premiums. The first of these were generally cast photographs and the… …   Wikipedia

  • Radio Premium — A radio premium is a gift or discount sent to a listener of a radio program who writes in to request the gift.HistoryIn the United States, during the 1930s through the early 1950s, the primary entertainment medium was broadcast radio. Besides… …   Wikipedia

  • radio galaxy — noun Type of galaxy that is very luminous at radio wavelengths …   Wiktionary

  • Milkor MGL — MGL A U.S. Marine looks through the M2A1 reflex sight on a newly issued M32 MGL (MGL 140) in Iraq in 2006. Type Grenade launcher …   Wikipedia

  • star — starless, adj. /stahr/, n., adj., v., starred, starring. n. 1. any of the heavenly bodies, except the moon, appearing as fixed luminous points in the sky at night. 2. Astron. any of the large, self luminous, heavenly bodies, as the sun, Polaris,… …   Universalium

  • galaxy — /gal euhk see/, n., pl. galaxies. 1. Astron. a. a large system of stars held together by mutual gravitation and isolated from similar systems by vast regions of space. b. (usually cap.) See Milky Way. 2. any large and brilliant or impressive… …   Universalium

  • cosmos — /koz meuhs, mohs/, n., pl. cosmos, cosmoses for 2, 4. 1. the world or universe regarded as an orderly, harmonious system. 2. a complete, orderly, harmonious system. 3. order; harmony. 4. any composite plant of the genus Cosmos, of tropical… …   Universalium

  • nebula — nebular, adj. /neb yeuh leuh/, n., pl. nebulae / lee , luy /, nebulas. 1. Astron. a. Also called diffuse nebula. a cloud of interstellar gas and dust. Cf. dark nebula, emission nebula, reflection nebula …   Universalium

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