
To establish a hierarchy

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  • hierarchize — (Amer.) v. arrange or organize in a hierarchy; make hierarchical (also hierarchise) …   English contemporary dictionary

  • hierarchize — hierarchy ► NOUN (pl. hierarchies) 1) a ranking system ordered according to status or authority. 2) an arrangement according to relative importance or inclusiveness. 3) (the hierarchy) the clergy of the Catholic Church or of an episcopal Church.… …   English terms dictionary

  • hierarchize — transitive verb ( chized; chizing) Date: 1884 to arrange in a hierarchy • hierarchization noun …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • hierarchize — /huy euh rahr kuyz , huy rahr /, v.t., hierarchized, hierarchizing. to arrange in a hierarchy. Also, esp. Brit., hierarchise. [1880 85; HIERARCH(Y) + IZE] * * * …   Universalium

  • hierarchize — hi·er·ar·chize …   English syllables

  • hierarchize — ˈhīəˌrärˌkīz, ˌrȧˌk also ˈhīˌr transitive verb ( ed/ ing/ s) : to arrange hierarchically hierarchized systems of organization C.H.Page …   Useful english dictionary

  • hierarchized — hierarchize (Amer.) v. arrange or organize in a hierarchy; make hierarchical (also hierarchise) …   English contemporary dictionary

  • hierarchizes — hierarchize (Amer.) v. arrange or organize in a hierarchy; make hierarchical (also hierarchise) …   English contemporary dictionary

  • hierarchizing — hierarchize (Amer.) v. arrange or organize in a hierarchy; make hierarchical (also hierarchise) …   English contemporary dictionary

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