
noun /ˈmeɪk.ə,ˈmeɪk.ɚ/
a) Someone who makes; a person or thing that makes or produces something.

It is refreshing to read how makers find great allies in the past to help them tackle the present. It helps us to see that literature is a conversation across boundaries of nation, century and language.

b) God.
See Also: make, makeover

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  • maker — mak·er n: one (as an issuer) that undertakes to pay a negotiable instrument and esp. a note sign a note as maker rather than indorser Merriam Webster’s Dictionary of Law. Merriam Webster. 1996. maker …   Law dictionary

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  • maker — ► NOUN 1) a person or thing that makes something. 2) (our, the, etc. Maker) God. ● meet one s Maker Cf. ↑meet one s Maker …   English terms dictionary

  • maker — c.1300, one who makes, also God as creator, agent noun from MAKE (Cf. make) (v.). Specifically, manufacturer by late 14c. To meet (one s) maker die is attested by 1814 …   Etymology dictionary

  • maker — [māk′ər] n. 1. a person or thing that makes (in various senses) 2. Archaic a poet 3. a person who executes, as by signing, a check, contract, etc.; specif., a person who signs a promissory note 4. [M ] God meet one s Maker to die …   English World dictionary

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