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quantal — [kwän′təl] adj. of or having to do with quanta or quantum mechanics … English World dictionary
quantal — quan·tal kwänt əl adj 1) of or relating to a quantum or to quanta (as of energy or a neurotransmitter) <quantal release of acetylcholine> 2) being or relating to a sensitivity response marked by the presence or absence of a definite… … Medical dictionary
Quantal response equilibrium — infobox equilibrium name=Quantal response equilibrium subsetof = Bayes Nash equilibrium supersetof = Nash equilibrium, Logit equilibrium discoverer = Richard McKelvey and Thomas Palfrey usedfor = Non cooperative games example = Traveler s… … Wikipedia
quantal mitosis — A controversial concept in cellular differentiation proposed by H. Holtzer and defined by him as a mitosis that yields daughter cells with metabolic options very different from those of the mother cell as opposed to proliferative mitoses in which … Dictionary of molecular biology
quantal phenomenon — kvantinis reiškinys statusas T sritis fizika atitikmenys: angl. quantal phenomenon; quantum effect; quantum phenomenon vok. Quanteneffekt, m; Quantenerscheinung, f; Quantenphänomen, n rus. квантовое явление, n; квантовый эффект, m pranc. effet… … Fizikos terminų žodynas
quantal — adjective Date: 1933 1. [Latin quanti how many, plural of quantus] of, relating to, or having only two experimental alternatives (as dead or alive, all or none) 2. [quantum] of or relating to a quantum … New Collegiate Dictionary
quantal — /kwon tl/, adj. Physics. of or pertaining to quanta or quantum mechanics. [1915 20; QUANT(UM) + AL1] * * * … Universalium
quantal — [ kwɒnt(ə)l] adjective technical composed of discrete units or quanta; varying in steps rather than continuously. Derivatives quantally adverb … English new terms dictionary
quantal — quan·tal … English syllables
quantal — quan•tal [[t]ˈkwɒn tl[/t]] adj. phs of or pertaining to quanta or to quantum mechanics • Etymology: 1915–20 … From formal English to slang