- necessary condition
A statement Q in relation to statement P such that P implies Q.
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necessary condition — n. 1. Logic an antecedent whose denial entails the denial of the consequent 2. something that must exist or occur if something else is to exist or occur: Cf. SUFFICIENT CONDITION * * * … Universalium
necessary condition — n. 1. Logic an antecedent whose denial entails the denial of the consequent 2. something that must exist or occur if something else is to exist or occur: Cf. SUFFICIENT CONDITION … English World dictionary
necessary condition — index prerequisite Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 … Law dictionary
necessary condition — būtinoji sąlyga statusas T sritis fizika atitikmenys: angl. necessary condition vok. notwendige Bedingung, f rus. необходимое условие, n pranc. condition nécessaire, f … Fizikos terminų žodynas
necessary condition — condition that without which something will not come into being (Logic) … English contemporary dictionary
necessary condition — noun : condition 2a(3) … Useful english dictionary
necessary condition — noun Date: 1696 1. a state of affairs that must prevail if another is to occur ; prerequisite 2. a proposition whose falsity assures the falsity of another … New Collegiate Dictionary
Condition — • That which is necessary or at least conducive to the actual operation of a cause Catholic Encyclopedia. Kevin Knight. 2006. Condition Condition … Catholic encyclopedia
Condition of possibility — (Bedingungen der Möglichkeit) is a philosophical concept made popular by Immanuel Kant. A condition of possibility is a necessary framework for the possible appearance of a given list of entities. It is often used in contrast to the unilateral… … Wikipedia
condition — con‧di‧tion [kənˈdɪʆn] noun [countable] LAW INSURANCE something stated in a contract, agreement, or insurance policy that must be done or must be true otherwise the contract, agreement, or policy will be ended or will not remain in force: • You… … Financial and business terms